Facciate di case con tetto piano
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Builder: John Kraemer & Sons | Photography: Landmark Photography
Ispirazione per la facciata di una casa piccola grigia contemporanea a due piani con rivestimenti misti, tetto piano e scale
Ispirazione per la facciata di una casa piccola grigia contemporanea a due piani con rivestimenti misti, tetto piano e scale

Front View.
Home designed by Hollman Cortes
ATLCAD Architectural Services.
Esempio della villa bianca moderna a due piani di medie dimensioni con rivestimento in legno, tetto piano e copertura mista
Esempio della villa bianca moderna a due piani di medie dimensioni con rivestimento in legno, tetto piano e copertura mista

Steve Hall @ Hall + Merrick
Ispirazione per la villa beige moderna a due piani con rivestimento in pietra e tetto piano
Ispirazione per la villa beige moderna a due piani con rivestimento in pietra e tetto piano

Immagine della villa grande multicolore contemporanea a tre piani con rivestimenti misti, tetto piano e copertura mista

Outdoor living space with amazing views
Idee per la villa grande grigia moderna a un piano con rivestimento in stucco, tetto piano, copertura mista e tetto nero
Idee per la villa grande grigia moderna a un piano con rivestimento in stucco, tetto piano, copertura mista e tetto nero

Backyard view of a 3 story modern home exterior. From the pool to the outdoor Living space, into the Living Room, Dining Room and Kitchen. The upper Patios have both wood ceiling and skylights and a glass panel railing.

Photo by Maria Zichil
Immagine della villa beige mediterranea a due piani di medie dimensioni con rivestimento in stucco, tetto piano e copertura in tegole
Immagine della villa beige mediterranea a due piani di medie dimensioni con rivestimento in stucco, tetto piano e copertura in tegole

Immagine della villa contemporanea a due piani con rivestimenti misti e tetto piano

Exterior of modern 3 level home, finished in white stucco, grey tile with wood garage and extra tall pivot front door. Drought tolerant landscaping sits in front of low plaster wall with modern entry gate.

Ispirazione per la villa grande grigia contemporanea a un piano con rivestimento in stucco e tetto piano

This 1959 Mid Century Modern Home was falling into disrepair, but the team at Haven Design and Construction could see the true potential. By preserving the beautiful original architectural details, such as the linear stacked stone and the clerestory windows, the team had a solid architectural base to build new and interesting details upon. New modern landscaping was installed and a new linear cedar fence surrounds the perimeter of the property.

Northeast Elevation reveals private deck, dog run, and entry porch overlooking Pier Cove Valley to the north - Bridge House - Fenneville, Michigan - Lake Michigan, Saugutuck, Michigan, Douglas Michigan - HAUS | Architecture For Modern Lifestyles

Idee per la villa marrone contemporanea a tre piani con rivestimento in legno e tetto piano

The client’s request was quite common - a typical 2800 sf builder home with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living space, and den. However, their desire was for this to be “anything but common.” The result is an innovative update on the production home for the modern era, and serves as a direct counterpoint to the neighborhood and its more conventional suburban housing stock, which focus views to the backyard and seeks to nullify the unique qualities and challenges of topography and the natural environment.
The Terraced House cautiously steps down the site’s steep topography, resulting in a more nuanced approach to site development than cutting and filling that is so common in the builder homes of the area. The compact house opens up in very focused views that capture the natural wooded setting, while masking the sounds and views of the directly adjacent roadway. The main living spaces face this major roadway, effectively flipping the typical orientation of a suburban home, and the main entrance pulls visitors up to the second floor and halfway through the site, providing a sense of procession and privacy absent in the typical suburban home.
Clad in a custom rain screen that reflects the wood of the surrounding landscape - while providing a glimpse into the interior tones that are used. The stepping “wood boxes” rest on a series of concrete walls that organize the site, retain the earth, and - in conjunction with the wood veneer panels - provide a subtle organic texture to the composition.
The interior spaces wrap around an interior knuckle that houses public zones and vertical circulation - allowing more private spaces to exist at the edges of the building. The windows get larger and more frequent as they ascend the building, culminating in the upstairs bedrooms that occupy the site like a tree house - giving views in all directions.
The Terraced House imports urban qualities to the suburban neighborhood and seeks to elevate the typical approach to production home construction, while being more in tune with modern family living patterns.
Elm Grove
2,800 sf,
3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms
Completion Date:
September 2014
Architecture, Landscape Architecture
Interior Consultants: Amy Carman Design

Ispirazione per la villa grigia moderna a due piani con rivestimenti misti e tetto piano

Completed in 2018, this Westlake Hills duplex designed by Alterstudio Architects underwent a dramatic transformation by mixing light & airy with dark & moody design. The goal of the project was to create a more intimate environment using a more saturated and dramatic palette. Additionally it draws from warmer wood tones such as walnut alongside luxurious textures, particularly in navy, dark grey to emerald green. The end result is a elegant, timeless, and comfortable space conducive to cozying up with a book at the end of a long day.

Photographer: Ryan Gamma
Idee per la villa bianca contemporanea a un piano di medie dimensioni con rivestimento in stucco e tetto piano
Idee per la villa bianca contemporanea a un piano di medie dimensioni con rivestimento in stucco e tetto piano

Ispirazione per la villa grigia moderna a due piani di medie dimensioni con rivestimenti misti e tetto piano

Foto della facciata di una casa grande marrone moderna a due piani con rivestimento in legno e tetto piano
Facciate di case con tetto piano

Immagine della villa grande multicolore moderna a due piani con rivestimenti misti, tetto piano e copertura a scandole