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9.664 Foto di case e interni scandinavi

Torsgatan 69
Torsgatan 69
Simon Donini | photographerSimon Donini | photographer
Simon Donini
Ispirazione per una cucina scandinava con ante lisce, ante blu, paraspruzzi grigio, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile, pavimento in legno massello medio, nessuna isola e pavimento marrone
Четырехкомнатная квартира в ЖК Царская столица
Четырехкомнатная квартира в ЖК Царская столица
архитектор Роман Коротковархитектор Роман Коротков
Александр Ивашутин
Foto di una cucina scandinava con ante blu, top in laminato, parquet scuro, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile, pavimento nero, lavello da incasso, ante con bugna sagomata e paraspruzzi multicolore
Gorgeous White Kitchen
Gorgeous White Kitchen
Granite TransformationsGranite Transformations
Products used: Venus Grey - island Bianca Real - white countertops These colors can be special ordered, and viewable on the Australia GT website: http://bit.ly/1t86tus
Industrial Grey Antique Oak Parquet (Harley Street, London)
Industrial Grey Antique Oak Parquet (Harley Street, London)
Hitt Oak LtdHitt Oak Ltd
Adam Butler
Esempio di una cucina nordica con lavello sottopiano, ante lisce, ante bianche, parquet chiaro e nessuna isola
Feldspar + Fallow Kitchen
Feldspar + Fallow Kitchen
Fireclay TileFireclay Tile
Looking for the purrr-fect neutral kitchen floor tile? Look no further than our handpainted Fallow tile in White Motif. DESIGN Reserve Home PHOTOS Reserve Home Tile Shown: 2x6, 2x6 Glazed Long Edge, 2x6 Glazed Short Edge in Feldspar; Fallow in White Motif
Mike's Hammock
Mike's Hammock
Isla HomesIsla Homes
I built this on my property for my aging father who has some health issues. Handicap accessibility was a factor in design. His dream has always been to try retire to a cabin in the woods. This is what he got. It is a 1 bedroom, 1 bath with a great room. It is 600 sqft of AC space. The footprint is 40' x 26' overall. The site was the former home of our pig pen. I only had to take 1 tree to make this work and I planted 3 in its place. The axis is set from root ball to root ball. The rear center is aligned with mean sunset and is visible across a wetland. The goal was to make the home feel like it was floating in the palms. The geometry had to simple and I didn't want it feeling heavy on the land so I cantilevered the structure beyond exposed foundation walls. My barn is nearby and it features old 1950's "S" corrugated metal panel walls. I used the same panel profile for my siding. I ran it vertical to math the barn, but also to balance the length of the structure and stretch the high point into the canopy, visually. The wood is all Southern Yellow Pine. This material came from clearing at the Babcock Ranch Development site. I ran it through the structure, end to end and horizontally, to create a seamless feel and to stretch the space. It worked. It feels MUCH bigger than it is. I milled the material to specific sizes in specific areas to create precise alignments. Floor starters align with base. Wall tops adjoin ceiling starters to create the illusion of a seamless board. All light fixtures, HVAC supports, cabinets, switches, outlets, are set specifically to wood joints. The front and rear porch wood has three different milling profiles so the hypotenuse on the ceilings, align with the walls, and yield an aligned deck board below. Yes, I over did it. It is spectacular in its detailing. That's the benefit of small spaces. Concrete counters and IKEA cabinets round out the conversation. For those who could not live in a tiny house, I offer the Tiny-ish House. Photos by Ryan Gamma Staging by iStage Homes Design assistance by Jimmy Thornton
Interior Design - Luxemburg Gardens Townhouse
Interior Design - Luxemburg Gardens Townhouse
My-Studio LtdMy-Studio Ltd
A table space to gather people together. The dining table is a Danish design and is extendable, set against a contemporary Nordic forest mural.
Immagine di un'ampia sala da pranzo aperta verso la cucina scandinava con pavimento in cemento, pavimento grigio, pareti verdi, nessun camino e carta da parati
Leo QvarseboLeo Qvarsebo
Huset är placerat mot skogsbrynet och upplevs som en terrass som reser sig ur gräsmattan. The house is at the forest line and is perceived as a terrace that rises out of the lawn. Åke Eson Lindman, www.lindmanphotography.com
Idunsgate Apartment
Idunsgate Apartment
Haptic ArchitectsHaptic Architects
Simon Kennedy
Foto di una cucina scandinava con ante lisce, ante blu, top in legno, paraspruzzi blu e parquet chiaro
Emilie Melin architecte DPLGEmilie Melin architecte DPLG
Esempio di una cucina scandinava di medie dimensioni con lavello a doppia vasca, ante lisce, ante nere, top in laminato, paraspruzzi grigio, paraspruzzi con piastrelle in ceramica, elettrodomestici da incasso, parquet chiaro, pavimento marrone e top nero
Larchmont Village House
Larchmont Village House
Stephen Moser ArchitectStephen Moser Architect
View of back mudroom
Foto di un ingresso con anticamera scandinavo di medie dimensioni con pareti bianche, parquet chiaro, una porta singola, una porta in legno chiaro e pavimento grigio
Компактная дача в стиле барнхаус.
Компактная дача в стиле барнхаус.
Idee per la villa piccola marrone scandinava a due piani con rivestimento in legno, tetto a capanna e copertura in metallo o lamiera
Manon et Vincent
Manon et Vincent
Charlotte FequetCharlotte Fequet
Thomas Leclerc
Idee per una stanza da bagno padronale scandinava di medie dimensioni con ante in legno chiaro, piastrelle blu, pareti bianche, lavabo a bacinella, top in legno, pavimento multicolore, doccia aperta, vasca sottopiano, doccia a filo pavimento, piastrelle in terracotta, pavimento alla veneziana, top marrone e ante lisce
"Container" House
"Container" House
Coates Design Architecture + InteriorsCoates Design Architecture + Interiors
Container House interior
Idee per una piccola cucina scandinava con lavello stile country, ante lisce, ante in legno chiaro, top in legno, pavimento in cemento, pavimento beige e top beige
Mike's Hammock
Mike's Hammock
Isla HomesIsla Homes
I built this on my property for my aging father who has some health issues. Handicap accessibility was a factor in design. His dream has always been to try retire to a cabin in the woods. This is what he got. It is a 1 bedroom, 1 bath with a great room. It is 600 sqft of AC space. The footprint is 40' x 26' overall. The site was the former home of our pig pen. I only had to take 1 tree to make this work and I planted 3 in its place. The axis is set from root ball to root ball. The rear center is aligned with mean sunset and is visible across a wetland. The goal was to make the home feel like it was floating in the palms. The geometry had to simple and I didn't want it feeling heavy on the land so I cantilevered the structure beyond exposed foundation walls. My barn is nearby and it features old 1950's "S" corrugated metal panel walls. I used the same panel profile for my siding. I ran it vertical to match the barn, but also to balance the length of the structure and stretch the high point into the canopy, visually. The wood is all Southern Yellow Pine. This material came from clearing at the Babcock Ranch Development site. I ran it through the structure, end to end and horizontally, to create a seamless feel and to stretch the space. It worked. It feels MUCH bigger than it is. I milled the material to specific sizes in specific areas to create precise alignments. Floor starters align with base. Wall tops adjoin ceiling starters to create the illusion of a seamless board. All light fixtures, HVAC supports, cabinets, switches, outlets, are set specifically to wood joints. The front and rear porch wood has three different milling profiles so the hypotenuse on the ceilings, align with the walls, and yield an aligned deck board below. Yes, I over did it. It is spectacular in its detailing. That's the benefit of small spaces. Concrete counters and IKEA cabinets round out the conversation. For those who cannot live tiny, I offer the Tiny-ish House. Photos by Ryan Gamma Staging by iStage Homes Design Assistance Jimmy Thornton
Brooks Living Space
Brooks Living Space
Esempio di un grande soggiorno nordico con pareti bianche
Blue in blue Basis01
Blue in blue Basis01
Idee per una cucina a L nordica chiusa e di medie dimensioni con ante blu, parquet chiaro, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile, ante lisce, top in legno e nessuna isola
Sommarhus Stora Gasmora
Sommarhus Stora Gasmora
LLP arkitektkontor ABLLP arkitektkontor AB
Åke Eson Lindman
Esempio della facciata di una casa beige scandinava a due piani di medie dimensioni con rivestimento in legno e tetto a capanna

9.664 Foto di case e interni scandinavi

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