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Camerette per Bambini e Neonati turchesi - Foto e idee per arredare

Transitional Cape
Transitional Cape
Pinney DesignsPinney Designs
Idee per una cameretta per bambini tradizionale con pareti blu e pavimento in legno massello medio
Kid's Spaces
Kid's Spaces
J & J Design Group, LLC.J & J Design Group, LLC.
John Woodcock Photography
Immagine di una cameretta per bambini boho chic
Pittsboro Residence
Pittsboro Residence
Alys DesignAlys Design
Lissa Gotwals
Ispirazione per una cameretta per bambini country con pavimento in legno massello medio e pareti bianche
Coastal Living
Coastal Living
Tracey Rapisardi DesignTracey Rapisardi Design
Immagine di una cameretta per bambini stile marinaro di medie dimensioni con pareti beige, pavimento in gres porcellanato e pavimento bianco
Spanish Oaks
Spanish Oaks
Premier Partners Homes - Austin's Custom BuilderPremier Partners Homes - Austin's Custom Builder
What a fun children's loft! The bottom hosts a cozy reading nook to hang out for some quiet time, or for chatting with the girls. The turquoise walls are amazing, and the white trim with pops of bright pink decor are perfect. What child would not LOVE to have this in their room? Fun fun fun! Designed by DBW Designs, Dawn Brady of Austin Texas. anna-photography.com
Brooklyn NY Brownstone
Brooklyn NY Brownstone
David Kaplan Interior Design LLCDavid Kaplan Interior Design LLC
Mentis Photography Inc
Foto di una cameretta per neonati neutra tradizionale con pareti verdi, pavimento in legno massello medio e pavimento multicolore
Modern Beach-y Nursery
Modern Beach-y Nursery
Ispirazione per una cameretta per neonato eclettica di medie dimensioni con pareti blu
Children's Bedroom
Children's Bedroom
Zel, Inc.Zel, Inc.
Zel, inc.
Ispirazione per una cameretta per bambini da 4 a 10 anni costiera con pareti grigie e pavimento in legno massello medio
Contemporary Kids
Contemporary Kids
Foto di una cameretta per bambini da 4 a 10 anni design di medie dimensioni con parquet chiaro e pareti multicolore
Loft Beds
Loft Beds
Architecturally SpeakingArchitecturally Speaking
For small bedrooms the space below can become a child's work desk area. The frame can be encased with curtains for a private play/fort. Photo Jim Butz & Larry Malvin
Downtown traditional loft
Downtown traditional loft
Rusk RenovationsRusk Renovations
Rusk Renovations Inc.: Contractor, Scott Sanders: Interior Designer, Michael Smith: Architect, Laura Moss: Photographer
Immagine di una cameretta da bambina classica
girls bedroom design ideas
girls bedroom design ideas
Robeson DesignRobeson Design
Kids Bedrooms can be fun. This preteen bedroom design was create for a young girl in need o her own bedroom. Having shared bedrooms with hr younger sister it was time Abby had her own room! Interior Designer Rebecca Robeson took the box shaped room and added a much needed closet by using Ikea's PAX wardrobe system which flanked either side of the window. This provided the perfect spot to add a simple bench seat below the window creating a delightful window seat for young Abby to curl up and enjoy a great book or text a friend. Robeson's artful use of bright wall colors mixed with PB teen bedding makes for a fun exhilarating first impression when walking into Abby's room! For more details on Abby's bedroom, watch YouTubes most popular Interior Designer, Rebecca Robeson as she walks you through the actual room! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2ZQbjBJsEs Photos by David Hartig
The Right House v1.0
The Right House v1.0
Harry Hunt ArchitectsHarry Hunt Architects
Photo-Jim Westphalen
Esempio di una cameretta per bambini da 4 a 10 anni contemporanea di medie dimensioni con pavimento in legno massello medio, pavimento marrone e pareti blu
Teenage Girls Just Want To Have Fun!
Teenage Girls Just Want To Have Fun!
Interiors by NatashaInteriors by Natasha
I was hired by the parents of a soon-to-be teenage girl turning 13 years-old. They wanted to remodel her bedroom from a young girls room to a teenage room. This project was a joy and a dream to work on! I got the opportunity to channel my inner child. I wanted to design a space that she would love to sleep in, entertain, hangout, do homework, and lounge in. The first step was to interview her so that she would feel like she was a part of the process and the decision making. I asked her what was her favorite color, what was her favorite print, her favorite hobbies, if there was anything in her room she wanted to keep, and her style. The second step was to go shopping with her and once that process started she was thrilled. One of the challenges for me was making sure I was able to give her everything she wanted. The other challenge was incorporating her favorite pattern-- zebra print. I decided to bring it into the room in small accent pieces where it was previously the dominant pattern throughout her room. The color palette went from light pink to her favorite color teal with pops of fuchsia. I wanted to make the ceiling a part of the design so I painted it a deep teal and added a beautiful teal glass and crystal chandelier to highlight it. Her room became a private oasis away from her parents where she could escape to. In the end we gave her everything she wanted. Photography by Haigwood Studios
Atelier Germain-Edith
Atelier Germain-Edith
Mathieu FIOL PhotoMathieu FIOL Photo
Idee per una cameretta per bambini bohémian
ROSES & TURQUOISE chambre d'enfant
ROSES & TURQUOISE chambre d'enfant
Idee per una cameretta per bambini bohémian di medie dimensioni con pareti blu, parquet chiaro, pavimento marrone, soffitto a volta e carta da parati
Todd SutherlandTodd Sutherland
Foto di una cameretta per neonati chic
Sussex Barn
Sussex Barn
Chapter Eight Design | Interior Design StudioChapter Eight Design | Interior Design Studio
bespoke furniture, children's decor, country, snug
Idee per una cameretta per neonata country con pareti grigie, moquette, pavimento grigio e carta da parati
cameretta vista  colli romani
cameretta vista colli romani
Studio Ingegneria & Design Giacomo FrecciaruloStudio Ingegneria & Design Giacomo Frecciarulo
la richiesta progettuale era quella di rendere una cameretta datata nel tempo , un nuovo spazio che potesse essere fruibile e vivibile durante l'arco della giornata non solo come luogo per dormirci. ho pensato di dare nuova vitalità alla stanza , mettendo in risalto il punto focale inespresso della stanza , ovvero una portafinestra , resa dopo l'intervento una vetrata a tutta altezza capace di dare luce e prospettiva a quella che è poi di fatto diventata la zona studio e zona play.
Appartement familial tendance - Projet Pétion
Appartement familial tendance - Projet Pétion
Mon Concept HabitationMon Concept Habitation
Les chambres de toute la famille ont été pensées pour être le plus ludiques possible. En quête de bien-être, les propriétaire souhaitaient créer un nid propice au repos et conserver une palette de matériaux naturels et des couleurs douces. Un défi relevé avec brio !

Camerette per Bambini e Neonati turchesi - Foto e idee per arredare

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