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Camerette per Bambini e Neonati turchesi con pavimento giallo - Foto e idee per arredare

Cheerful Nursery
Cheerful Nursery
Chanath W InteriorsChanath W Interiors
Sweet, cheery nursery using a soft color palette of neutrals, blue/aqua, and yellow. Design by Chanath W Interiors, LLC Photos ©2016 by Kelly Peloza | Kelly Peloza Photo
HBK PhotographyHBK Photography
HBK Photography shot for luxury real estate listing
Esempio di una piccola cameretta per neonati neutra con pareti blu, parquet chiaro e pavimento giallo
Multiple Functions in Small Space with Casual  & Chic corners
Multiple Functions in Small Space with Casual & Chic corners
Interior DesignerInterior Designer
Kids bedding room has been installed with long wooden table beneath the bookcases with compact LED lighting tubes on the bottom side of bookcase. Embedded fan on the ceiling to save space waist. The White glass in front of the table with iron veneer inside so that photos, tips can be posted on it with magnet. 2.2m desk and bookcase, twin beds, 1.8mX2.6m clothing closet, and one 2.1m height mirror as well are installed in this tiny 10m2 kids bedding room with multiple functions.
Cheerful Nursery
Cheerful Nursery
Chanath W InteriorsChanath W Interiors
Sweet, cheery nursery using a soft color palette of neutrals, blue/aqua, and yellow. Design by Chanath W Interiors, LLC Photos ©2016 by Kelly Peloza | Kelly Peloza Photo
Cheerful Nursery
Cheerful Nursery
Chanath W InteriorsChanath W Interiors
Sweet, cheery nursery using a soft color palette of neutrals, blue/aqua, and yellow. Design by Chanath W Interiors, LLC Photos ©2016 by Kelly Peloza | Kelly Peloza Photo
Cheerful Nursery
Cheerful Nursery
Chanath W InteriorsChanath W Interiors
Sweet, cheery nursery using a soft color palette of neutrals, blue/aqua, and yellow. Design by Chanath W Interiors, LLC Photos ©2016 by Kelly Peloza | Kelly Peloza Photo
Cheerful Nursery
Cheerful Nursery
Chanath W InteriorsChanath W Interiors
Sweet, cheery nursery using a soft color palette of neutrals, blue/aqua, and yellow. Design by Chanath W Interiors, LLC Photos ©2016 by Kelly Peloza | Kelly Peloza Photo
Cheerful Nursery
Cheerful Nursery
Chanath W InteriorsChanath W Interiors
Sweet, cheery nursery using a soft color palette of neutrals, blue/aqua, and yellow. Design by Chanath W Interiors, LLC Photos ©2016 by Kelly Peloza | Kelly Peloza Photo

Camerette per Bambini e Neonati turchesi con pavimento giallo - Foto e idee per arredare

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