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Camerette per Bambini e Neonati turchesi - Foto e idee per arredare

The Cabin + The Snug
The Cabin + The Snug
Heidi Caillier DesignHeidi Caillier Design
Haris Kenjar
Foto di una cameretta per bambini rustica
Studio CastilleStudio Castille
Idee per una cameretta per bambini da 1 a 3 anni design con pareti multicolore e pavimento in legno massello medio
Los Altos Sophisticated Chic
Los Altos Sophisticated Chic
Spectrum Interior Design, Inc.Spectrum Interior Design, Inc.
Esempio di una cameretta per bambini chic di medie dimensioni con pareti blu
Родовое гнездо
Родовое гнездо
Бюро «Арт-стиль»Бюро «Арт-стиль»
Авторы проекта Беляевская Анна, Сморгонская Наталия. Фотограф Иван Сорокин Квартира для семьи из трех человек в доме после реставрации в престижном районе Санкт-Петербурга
Custom Headboard
Custom Headboard
Megan ReileyMegan Reiley
This custom made headboard, inspired by the clients love to surf, has great texture and sits nicely up against the bright teal wall. The custom pillows also help bring in some color and texture. The wavy rug enhances the "beach-like" theme. Cat and the Fiddle Photography
Hidde Ridge
Hidde Ridge
Pathway HomesPathway Homes
Jim Blue
Idee per una cameretta per bambini da 4 a 10 anni tradizionale con pareti blu e moquette
NY Condo
NY Condo
Texstōn Industries, Inc.Texstōn Industries, Inc.
Immagine di una grande cameretta per bambini moderna con pareti blu, parquet scuro e pavimento nero
A Vintage Nautical Boy's Room
A Vintage Nautical Boy's Room
Jessica Delaney
Idee per una cameretta per bambini da 4 a 10 anni chic con pareti multicolore
Contemporary bedroom furniture for children from Go Modern
Contemporary bedroom furniture for children from Go Modern
Go Modern FurnitureGo Modern Furniture
Section of a children's bedroom using design from the new Nidi range of children's furniture. The bunk bed has built in steps leading to the bed, that will also double as small storage spaces. The underneath space has a built-in book shelf and a good sized writing desk on casters, which can be moved around the room if needed. Another alternative is to place another bed within the space. Go Modern offer a huge range of children & teenager's bedroom furniture. For further information please call our helpful & friendly team on 020 7731 9540 or visit our London showroom at 565 Kings Road, London.
NYC Upper East Side Residence
NYC Upper East Side Residence
Lien Luu Ltd.Lien Luu Ltd.
Udom Surangsophon
Idee per una cameretta da bambina minimal con moquette
Shelter Island Beach House
Shelter Island Beach House
Wettling ArchitectsWettling Architects
Esempio di una cameretta per bambini da 4 a 10 anni stile marino
North Milton
North Milton
PLP Development LLCPLP Development LLC
Idee per una cameretta per bambini country
Awbrey Butte Rustic Remodel
Awbrey Butte Rustic Remodel
Keystone Building, inc.Keystone Building, inc.
Foto di una cameretta per bambini da 4 a 10 anni classica di medie dimensioni con pareti blu, moquette e pavimento beige
Kids Spaces
Kids Spaces
Bishop DesignBishop Design
Idee per una stanza dei giochi da 1 a 3 anni contemporanea con pareti bianche e parquet chiaro
Boy’s Room Feature Wall - Pacific North West
Boy’s Room Feature Wall - Pacific North West
Studio MuzeStudio Muze
Ispirazione per una cameretta per bambini contemporanea con pareti multicolore, parquet scuro e pavimento marrone
Roscoe Village Redo
Roscoe Village Redo
MJM Interiors, Inc.MJM Interiors, Inc.
photo by Nicole Serradimigni
Foto di una cameretta per bambini chic con pareti blu, moquette e pavimento beige
Small Toddler Bedroom
Small Toddler Bedroom
Gradient Interior DesignGradient Interior Design
Small 4 year old's room, was too tight to put a twin bed and several pieces of furniture. Gradient Interiors came up with a plan that could take him, and this furniture up to his teen years without breaking the budget.
Modern Shoreline Colonial
Modern Shoreline Colonial
Wadia AssociatesWadia Associates
Immagine di una cameretta per neonata classica di medie dimensioni con pareti rosa, parquet scuro e pavimento marrone
Детская с капелькой мёда
Детская с капелькой мёда
Школа Ремонта на ТНТШкола Ремонта на ТНТ
Детские кровати выполнены на заказ, по индивидуальным размерам, специально для этого проекта. Со всех сторон обитые параллоном и обтянутые микровелюром, они очень мягкие, удариться будет просто невозможно. Лежа в кроватях, брату с сестренкой будет удобно смотреть мультфильмы, если, конечно, мама разрешит.
Under the Palms: A Shared Space
Under the Palms: A Shared Space
Emerson Grey DesignsEmerson Grey Designs
Taylor Cole Photography
Idee per una cameretta per neonati neutra design di medie dimensioni con pareti beige, pavimento in legno massello medio e pavimento marrone

Camerette per Bambini e Neonati turchesi - Foto e idee per arredare

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