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Privacy in Giardino vittoriani - Foto e idee

Регулярный сад в ландшафтном дизайне и въезд на участок
Регулярный сад в ландшафтном дизайне и въезд на участок
Ландшафтная мастерская Алены АрсеньевойЛандшафтная мастерская Алены Арсеньевой
Ландшафтная композиция рядом со входом в дом выполнена в условно-регулярном стиле на фоне живой изгороди из дерена белого Elegantissima, Автор проекта: Алена Арсеньева. Реализация проекта:Владимир Чичмарь
Blairgowrie Fencing
Blairgowrie Fencing
Spartan LandscapesSpartan Landscapes
The clients was in dire need of a new boundary fence between their properties. The old fence was completely consumed by ivy and had no structural support other than the ivy it self. The solution was simple but the process was very labour intenive. We began with clearing as much of the ivy as we could. As the ivy was cut back the old palings and rails came of with it leaving the old timber posts expposed. The posts were completly rotten and soil level and came out quite easily. Once the fence line was cleared out we could then proceed to with the new fence build.
Ispirazione per un giardino vittoriano esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in primavera con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Ландшафтный дизайн - хвойные в дизайне сада.
Ландшафтный дизайн - хвойные в дизайне сада.
Ландшафтная мастерская Алены АрсеньевойЛандшафтная мастерская Алены Арсеньевой
Место для уединенного отдыха - "укромный уголок" спрятано за группой елей. Автор проекта Алена Арсеньева. Реализация проекта и ведение работ - Владимир Чичмарь
Blairgowrie Fencing
Blairgowrie Fencing
Spartan LandscapesSpartan Landscapes
The clients was in dire need of a new boundary fence between their properties. The old fence was completely consumed by ivy and had no structural support other than the ivy it self. The solution was simple but the process was very labour intenive. We began with clearing as much of the ivy as we could. As the ivy was cut back the old palings and rails came of with it leaving the old timber posts expposed. The posts were completly rotten and soil level and came out quite easily. Once the fence line was cleared out we could then proceed to with the new fence build.
Blairgowrie Fencing
Blairgowrie Fencing
Spartan LandscapesSpartan Landscapes
The clients was in dire need of a new boundary fence between their properties. The old fence was completely consumed by ivy and had no structural support other than the ivy it self. The solution was simple but the process was very labour intenive. We began with clearing as much of the ivy as we could. As the ivy was cut back the old palings and rails came of with it leaving the old timber posts expposed. The posts were completly rotten and soil level and came out quite easily. Once the fence line was cleared out we could then proceed to with the new fence build.
Blairgowrie Fencing
Blairgowrie Fencing
Spartan LandscapesSpartan Landscapes
The clients was in dire need of a new boundary fence between their properties. The old fence was completely consumed by ivy and had no structural support other than the ivy it self. The solution was simple but the process was very labour intenive. We began with clearing as much of the ivy as we could. As the ivy was cut back the old palings and rails came of with it leaving the old timber posts expposed. The posts were completly rotten and soil level and came out quite easily. Once the fence line was cleared out we could then proceed to with the new fence build.
Blairgowrie Fencing
Blairgowrie Fencing
Spartan LandscapesSpartan Landscapes
The clients was in dire need of a new boundary fence between their properties. The old fence was completely consumed by ivy and had no structural support other than the ivy it self. The solution was simple but the process was very labour intenive. We began with clearing as much of the ivy as we could. As the ivy was cut back the old palings and rails came of with it leaving the old timber posts expposed. The posts were completly rotten and soil level and came out quite easily. Once the fence line was cleared out we could then proceed to with the new fence build.
Blairgowrie Fencing
Blairgowrie Fencing
Spartan LandscapesSpartan Landscapes
The clients was in dire need of a new boundary fence between their properties. The old fence was completely consumed by ivy and had no structural support other than the ivy it self. The solution was simple but the process was very labour intenive. We began with clearing as much of the ivy as we could. As the ivy was cut back the old palings and rails came of with it leaving the old timber posts expposed. The posts were completly rotten and soil level and came out quite easily. Once the fence line was cleared out we could then proceed to with the new fence build.
Blairgowrie Fencing
Blairgowrie Fencing
Spartan LandscapesSpartan Landscapes
The clients was in dire need of a new boundary fence between their properties. The old fence was completely consumed by ivy and had no structural support other than the ivy it self. The solution was simple but the process was very labour intenive. We began with clearing as much of the ivy as we could. As the ivy was cut back the old palings and rails came of with it leaving the old timber posts expposed. The posts were completly rotten and soil level and came out quite easily. Once the fence line was cleared out we could then proceed to with the new fence build.
Blairgowrie Fencing
Blairgowrie Fencing
Spartan LandscapesSpartan Landscapes
The clients was in dire need of a new boundary fence between their properties. The old fence was completely consumed by ivy and had no structural support other than the ivy it self. The solution was simple but the process was very labour intenive. We began with clearing as much of the ivy as we could. As the ivy was cut back the old palings and rails came of with it leaving the old timber posts expposed. The posts were completly rotten and soil level and came out quite easily. Once the fence line was cleared out we could then proceed to with the new fence build.
Blairgowrie Fencing
Blairgowrie Fencing
Spartan LandscapesSpartan Landscapes
The clients was in dire need of a new boundary fence between their properties. The old fence was completely consumed by ivy and had no structural support other than the ivy it self. The solution was simple but the process was very labour intenive. We began with clearing as much of the ivy as we could. As the ivy was cut back the old palings and rails came of with it leaving the old timber posts expposed. The posts were completly rotten and soil level and came out quite easily. Once the fence line was cleared out we could then proceed to with the new fence build.
Blairgowrie Fencing
Blairgowrie Fencing
Spartan LandscapesSpartan Landscapes
The clients was in dire need of a new boundary fence between their properties. The old fence was completely consumed by ivy and had no structural support other than the ivy it self. The solution was simple but the process was very labour intenive. We began with clearing as much of the ivy as we could. As the ivy was cut back the old palings and rails came of with it leaving the old timber posts expposed. The posts were completly rotten and soil level and came out quite easily. Once the fence line was cleared out we could then proceed to with the new fence build.
Blairgowrie Fencing
Blairgowrie Fencing
Spartan LandscapesSpartan Landscapes
The clients was in dire need of a new boundary fence between their properties. The old fence was completely consumed by ivy and had no structural support other than the ivy it self. The solution was simple but the process was very labour intenive. We began with clearing as much of the ivy as we could. As the ivy was cut back the old palings and rails came of with it leaving the old timber posts expposed. The posts were completly rotten and soil level and came out quite easily. Once the fence line was cleared out we could then proceed to with the new fence build.
Blairgowrie Fencing
Blairgowrie Fencing
Spartan LandscapesSpartan Landscapes
The clients was in dire need of a new boundary fence between their properties. The old fence was completely consumed by ivy and had no structural support other than the ivy it self. The solution was simple but the process was very labour intenive. We began with clearing as much of the ivy as we could. As the ivy was cut back the old palings and rails came of with it leaving the old timber posts expposed. The posts were completly rotten and soil level and came out quite easily. Once the fence line was cleared out we could then proceed to with the new fence build.
Blairgowrie Fencing
Blairgowrie Fencing
Spartan LandscapesSpartan Landscapes
The clients was in dire need of a new boundary fence between their properties. The old fence was completely consumed by ivy and had no structural support other than the ivy it self. The solution was simple but the process was very labour intenive. We began with clearing as much of the ivy as we could. As the ivy was cut back the old palings and rails came of with it leaving the old timber posts expposed. The posts were completly rotten and soil level and came out quite easily. Once the fence line was cleared out we could then proceed to with the new fence build.
Blairgowrie Fencing
Blairgowrie Fencing
Spartan LandscapesSpartan Landscapes
The clients was in dire need of a new boundary fence between their properties. The old fence was completely consumed by ivy and had no structural support other than the ivy it self. The solution was simple but the process was very labour intenive. We began with clearing as much of the ivy as we could. As the ivy was cut back the old palings and rails came of with it leaving the old timber posts expposed. The posts were completly rotten and soil level and came out quite easily. Once the fence line was cleared out we could then proceed to with the new fence build.

Privacy in Giardino vittoriani - Foto e idee

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