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Giardini vittoriani - Foto e idee

Front Yard Gardening
Front Yard Gardening
Heidi's Lifestyle GardensHeidi's Lifestyle Gardens
Front yard gardening can be fun and functional! Add edibles into the mix, and enjoy nibbling your way through your yard!
Esempio di un giardino vittoriano davanti casa in estate con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Village Victorian
Village Victorian
Kerry Lewis Landscape ArchitectureKerry Lewis Landscape Architecture
granite paver parking area; custom spindle fence and double gates; front garden
Ispirazione per un vialetto d'ingresso vittoriano esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in estate con pavimentazioni in mattoni e un ingresso o sentiero
Pomello Residence
Pomello Residence
HartmanBaldwin Design/BuildHartmanBaldwin Design/Build
In keeping with the estate’s traditional English Tudor style 10,000 sq. ft. of gardens were designed. The English Gardens are characterized by regular, geometric planting patterns and pathways, with antique decorative accessories heightening their old-world feel. Special nooks and hideaways, coupled with the sound of cascading water in fountains, create a serene environment, while delicate lighting in planter boxes makes the garden perfect for early evening strolls.
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Coastal NJ Residence
Coastal NJ Residence
Sudbury Design GroupSudbury Design Group
Fred Forbes Photogroupe
Ispirazione per una grande aiuola vittoriana davanti casa con pavimentazioni in cemento
Archiverde Landscape ArchitectureArchiverde Landscape Architecture
Reclaimed stained glass gate
Foto di un giardino vittoriano davanti casa
Artfully Accessible, West Sussex
Artfully Accessible, West Sussex
Acres WildAcres Wild
Accessible Family Garden, West Sussex, UK
Foto di un giardino vittoriano esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e dietro casa in estate con un ingresso o sentiero e ghiaia
Old Greenwich Foundation Plantings
Old Greenwich Foundation Plantings
Barbara Wilson Landscape Architect, LLCBarbara Wilson Landscape Architect, LLC
The new low maintenance foundation plantings surrounding this charming house are dwarf so as to not overwhelm the beautiful front porch. Flowering shrubs, perennials, bulbs and groundcovers provide season interest spring thru fall. Annuals (Canna) were incorporated into the planting bed that were favorites of the owners.
Walker Road
Walker Road
SURROUNDS Landscape Architecture + ConstructionSURROUNDS Landscape Architecture + Construction
Landscape Architect: Howard Cohen, Surrounds Inc.
Foto di un giardino vittoriano di medie dimensioni con scale
Remodeled Queen Anne
Remodeled Queen Anne
A refurbished Queen Anne needed privacy from a busy street corner while not feeling like it was behind a privacy hedge. A mixed use of evergreen trees and shrubs, deciduous plants and perennials give a warm cottage feel while creating the privacy the garden needed from the street.
Victorian End Terrace Front Garden
Victorian End Terrace Front Garden
Heather Dale Garden DesignHeather Dale Garden Design
New formal box edged borders have been created with a sundial focal point.
Foto di un piccolo giardino formale vittoriano davanti casa
Fence Gallery
Fence Gallery
Ispirazione per un vialetto d'ingresso vittoriano esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in primavera
Traditional Greenhouse at Logan Botanic Gardens
Traditional Greenhouse at Logan Botanic Gardens
Alitex GlasshousesAlitex Glasshouses
Traditional Freestanding Bespoke Glasshouse, with dimensions of 20.3m x 5.7m. Powder coated aluminum in White. As the first public glasshouse in the UK to be entirely heated by green energy, Logan Botanic Gardens have four partitioned zones within the glasshouse, allowing varying temperatures for the different planting themes in each zone. Internal view with visible partitions.
Golf Greens
Golf Greens
Ultimate Services Professional Grounds ManagementUltimate Services Professional Grounds Management
Esempio di un grande campo sportivo esterno vittoriano esposto a mezz'ombra dietro casa in primavera con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Victorian Terrace Garden: Winslow, Bucks.
Victorian Terrace Garden: Winslow, Bucks.
Peter Reader LandscapesPeter Reader Landscapes
New French doors provide a frame to the new garden.
Foto di un giardino vittoriano di medie dimensioni e dietro casa
Carlton residence
Carlton residence
Gardens of the SunGardens of the Sun
Immagine di un giardino vittoriano
A Painter's Palette
A Painter's Palette
Sustainable Horticultural EnvironmentsSustainable Horticultural Environments
Teresa Watkins,
Ispirazione per un grande vialetto d'ingresso vittoriano esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in primavera con un muro di contenimento e pavimentazioni in mattoni
Upstate Manor
Upstate Manor
Meyer & Meyer, Inc. Architecture and InteriorsMeyer & Meyer, Inc. Architecture and Interiors
This home, set prominently on Lake Skaneateles in New York, reflects a period when stately mansions graced the waterfront. Few houses demonstrate the skill of modern-day craftsmen with such charm and grace. The investment of quality materials such as limestone, carved timbers, copper, and slate, combined with stone foundations and triple-pane windows, provide the new owners with worry-free maintenance and peace of mind for years to come. The property boasts formal English gardens complete with a rope swing, pergola, and gazebo as well as an underground tunnel with a wine grotto. Elegant terraces offer multiple views of the grounds.

Giardini vittoriani - Foto e idee

Hinkley Lighting
Hinkley Lighting
Century Electric Supply CompanyCentury Electric Supply Company
Idee per un grande giardino formale vittoriano esposto in pieno sole dietro casa in autunno con un ingresso o sentiero e pacciame
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