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Giardini country - Foto e idee

Coastal Modern Farmhouse (Industrial, comfortable and budget friendly)
Coastal Modern Farmhouse (Industrial, comfortable and budget friendly)
Brittany Stiles DesignBrittany Stiles Design
A 1940's bungalow was renovated and transformed for a small family. This is a small space - 800 sqft (2 bed, 2 bath) full of charm and character. Custom and vintage furnishings, art, and accessories give the space character and a layered and lived-in vibe. This is a small space so there are several clever storage solutions throughout. Vinyl wood flooring layered with wool and natural fiber rugs. Wall sconces and industrial pendants add to the farmhouse aesthetic. A simple and modern space for a fairly minimalist family. Located in Costa Mesa, California. Photos: Ryan Garvin
Formal Vegetable Garden
Formal Vegetable Garden
Offshoots, Inc.Offshoots, Inc.
A beautiful escape in your edible garden. Fruit trees create a privacy screen around a cedar pergola and raised vegetable beds.
Idee per un giardino country esposto in pieno sole dietro casa in estate con ghiaia
Our Work
Our Work
Griffin FenceGriffin Fence
Esempio di un giardino country esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e dietro casa
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Contemporary Farmhouse New Construction (Hoffman-Yountville, Napa)
Contemporary Farmhouse New Construction (Hoffman-Yountville, Napa)
Holder Parlette Architecture + LandscapesHolder Parlette Architecture + Landscapes
Idee per un grande orto in giardino country esposto in pieno sole dietro casa in estate con ghiaia
cottage garden
cottage garden
Claudia De Yong Garden DesignClaudia De Yong Garden Design
all claudia de yong- long view of meandering brick path leads to a greenhouse, it is planted on one side with hornbeam hedge and the other a bed against wall of house is edged in buxux, with thyme, heuchera palace purple, astrantia, luzula nivea and various climbers
Backyard Garden
Backyard Garden
Summerland Homes & GardensSummerland Homes & Gardens
This once empty yard was transformed with perennial gardens, raised garden beds, a cute chicken coop, and boxwood hedge with a garden gate. The raised beds are home to strawberries, vegetables, herbs, lavender and annuals.
Living Gardens Landscape DesignLiving Gardens Landscape Design
Foto di un giardino xeriscape country davanti casa con pavimentazioni in cemento
Modern Nantucket Farmhouse Remodel
Modern Nantucket Farmhouse Remodel
Allen ConstructionAllen Construction
Immagine di un giardino formale country esposto in pieno sole dietro casa con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale e scale
Paleface Ranch
Paleface Ranch
Van Wicklen DesignVan Wicklen Design
Ispirazione per un grande giardino formale country esposto in pieno sole dietro casa con un giardino in vaso e pacciame
Design/ Build- Rustic Retreat
Design/ Build- Rustic Retreat
Greenhaven Landscapes Inc.Greenhaven Landscapes Inc.
Hear what our clients, Lisa & Rick, have to say about their project by clicking on the Facebook link and then the Videos tab. Hannah Goering Photography
An Evolution for Land and Family
An Evolution for Land and Family
Mariani LandscapeMariani Landscape
This project represents the evolution of a 10 acre space over more than three decades. It began with the pool and space around it. As the vegetable garden grew, the orchard was established and the display gardens blossomed. The prairie was restored and a kitchen was added to complete the space. Although, it continues to change with a pond next on the design plan. Photo credit: Linda Oyama Bryan
Frensham Garden
Frensham Garden
Roeder Landscape Design LtdRoeder Landscape Design Ltd
Ispirazione per un orto rialzato country
Willow Glen Residence
Willow Glen Residence
Jackson DerlerJackson Derler
Idee per un giardino country con un giardino in vaso
Rustic Barn
Rustic Barn
VanderHorn ArchitectsVanderHorn Architects
Idee per un grande giardino formale country esposto in pieno sole in cortile con fontane e pavimentazioni in mattoni
A Sustainable Homestead
A Sustainable Homestead
Devore AssociatesDevore Associates
Judy Proctor
Immagine di un giardino country
Living Gardens Landscape DesignLiving Gardens Landscape Design
Immagine di un giardino xeriscape country davanti casa con pavimentazioni in cemento

Giardini country - Foto e idee

Pillar Lighting
Pillar Lighting
Mid South Night Lights, LLCMid South Night Lights, LLC
This project was so fun to design and install on their farmhouse style residence! We love transforming these beautiful outdoor spaces to an area they can actually use and enjoy at night! No worries about security either, this house is fully lit! From grand entrances and leading pathways to beautiful gardens and amazing pools, we can illuminate the most appealing features of your home. We offer expert installation of quality low voltage LED outdoor lighting, which provides added safety and beauty to any structure.
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