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Giardini vittoriani grigi - Foto e idee

Victorian Village Residence
Victorian Village Residence
Outdoor Space DesignOutdoor Space Design
Foto di un giardino vittoriano con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Bridgehampton Residence
Bridgehampton Residence
PBDW ArchitectsPBDW Architects
Jonathan Wallen
Idee per un vialetto d'ingresso vittoriano
Wrought Iron Fences
Wrought Iron Fences
Photo and Iron Work by James Gunnell
Foto di un giardino vittoriano
Teresita Avenue
Teresita Avenue
Redbud DesignRedbud Design
This overgrown, rectangular yard in San Francisco is home to a young couple, their 3-year-old daughter, and twins that were on the way. Typical of many San Francisco yards, it is accessed from the back deck down a long set of stairs. The client wanted to be able to spend quality time in the yard with her two new babies and toddler. The design includes a play structure, a covered sand box, a small raised planter for playing in the dirt. Due to the limited space, several trellises were added to the side and back fence so that vines could add color surrounding the new play area. Covering an existing concrete pad with cut Connecticut Bluestone enhanced the adult seating area and was surrounded by low maintenance colorful planting beds. A simple but beautiful walkway of stones set in lose pebbles connects these two use areas. Custom lattice was added onto the underside of the deck to hide the large utility area. The existing deck and stairs were repaired and refurbished to improve it’s look and longevity. The clients were very happy with the end result which came in on time and budget just as the twin girls were born.
Euro Cobble Hardscape
Euro Cobble Hardscape
Arendt's Outdoor ServicesArendt's Outdoor Services
Installation: Arendt's Outdoor Services Photo Credit: Master's Concrete Products
Ispirazione per un giardino vittoriano
E11 Victorian Front Garden
E11 Victorian Front Garden
Sarah Kay Garden DesignSarah Kay Garden Design
E11 Victorian Front Garden
Foto di un giardino formale vittoriano esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in estate con un ingresso o sentiero e pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Tanglewood Estates
Tanglewood Estates
Gulfside LandscapingGulfside Landscaping
View of water feature located on the side toward the rear of the residence. Landscaping designed by James Martin, installed by Gulfside Landscaping. Inc
Berkeley xeriscape
Berkeley xeriscape
Alford's LandscapingAlford's Landscaping
Immagine di un giardino xeriscape vittoriano esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in estate con un ingresso o sentiero e ghiaia
Grand Entrance Garden, Prospect Park South, Historic District
Grand Entrance Garden, Prospect Park South, Historic District
The Brooklyn Garden Club Inc.The Brooklyn Garden Club Inc.
lindsey brown
Idee per un piccolo giardino formale vittoriano esposto in pieno sole davanti casa con un ingresso o sentiero
Old Greenwich Foundation Plantings
Old Greenwich Foundation Plantings
Barbara Wilson Landscape Architect, LLCBarbara Wilson Landscape Architect, LLC
The new low maintenance plantings to screen the utilitis are dwarf so as to not overwhelm the planting area. Spring flowering evergreen shrubs and turf lily will provide seasonal interest spring thru fall.
E5 Courtyard
E5 Courtyard
Sarah Kay Garden DesignSarah Kay Garden Design
Khandler grey sandstone creates a elegant look, with the space dissected with black granite setts.
Foto di un piccolo orto rialzato vittoriano esposto a mezz'ombra dietro casa in estate con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale e recinzione in legno
Mission Viejo Residence
Mission Viejo Residence
Ocean Pavers, Inc.Ocean Pavers, Inc.
New driveway and entry using Orco country cobble pavers in the Terra Verde color and Manor color. Double border using 6x6 pavers
Foto di un vialetto d'ingresso vittoriano di medie dimensioni e davanti casa con pavimentazioni in cemento
Custom Iron Garden Gates
Custom Iron Garden Gates
Photo and Iron Work by James Gunnell
Immagine di un giardino vittoriano
Peterborough, side walkway connecting to front
Peterborough, side walkway connecting to front
Meyer's Landscaping Ltd.Meyer's Landscaping Ltd.
Crisp, clean finish for side access!
Esempio di un giardino vittoriano di medie dimensioni e nel cortile laterale con pavimentazioni in mattoni

Giardini vittoriani grigi - Foto e idee

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