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Privacy in Giardino industriali - Foto e idee

Percorso pedonale
Percorso pedonale
Gabriele BrunoGabriele Bruno
Percorso pedonale interno caratterizzato da specie arbustive ed arboree autoctone
Immagine di un ampio giardino industriale esposto in pieno sole in primavera
Workshop Renaissance
Workshop Renaissance
Urban GardenerUrban Gardener
The hit-and-miss cladding completely brings this area to life.
Foto di un giardino industriale esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e dietro casa in estate con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale e recinzione in legno
DIY laser cut fence featuring faux shou sugi ban wood panels
DIY laser cut fence featuring faux shou sugi ban wood panels
Ai JaedeeAi Jaedee
Securing my fence line with a DIY fence using laser cut panels from Bunnings. Future driveway access planned along here which gets full afternoon sun.
Foto di un giardino industriale esposto in pieno sole davanti casa con recinzione in legno
Office Suites Outdoor Spaces Reimagined
Office Suites Outdoor Spaces Reimagined
Twisted ElementsTwisted Elements
When we moved offices in 2021 from International Market Square to a new space in Eden Prairie, Minnesota we gave up the access to beautiful gathering spaces that were in arms reach of our studio. So last summer we were thrilled when our building started working with a local landscape company to create gathering spaces outside each unit. They asked us to help collaborate with the paver selection, furnishings, and planters. We can’t wait to use these spaces this spring, summer, and fall! There are 6 businesses in the front row, with 3 patios and walkways varying in different shapes and sizes. The landscape designer was able to transition small grade changes by adding limestone retaining walls and limestone steps. Now the front of the Valley View Office Complex is updated and uniform with functional outdoor spaces.
Universal Wireline
Universal Wireline
Dahlia CompaniesDahlia Companies
Immagine di un grande giardino industriale esposto in pieno sole davanti casa con pavimentazioni in cemento e recinzione in metallo
Workshop Renaissance
Workshop Renaissance
Urban GardenerUrban Gardener
The picket gate was a simple way to keep the clients’ very energetic dog out of anywhere he can do damage!
Esempio di un giardino industriale esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e dietro casa in estate con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale e recinzione in legno
Foto di un giardino industriale esposto in pieno sole davanti casa con recinzione in legno
Office Suites Outdoor Spaces Reimagined
Office Suites Outdoor Spaces Reimagined
Twisted ElementsTwisted Elements
When we moved offices in 2021 from International Market Square to a new space in Eden Prairie, Minnesota we gave up the access to beautiful gathering spaces that were in arms reach of our studio. So last summer we were thrilled when our building started working with a local landscape company to create gathering spaces outside each unit. They asked us to help collaborate with the paver selection, furnishings, and planters. We can’t wait to use these spaces this spring, summer, and fall! There are 6 businesses in the front row, with 3 patios and walkways varying in different shapes and sizes. The landscape designer was able to transition small grade changes by adding limestone retaining walls and limestone steps. Now the front of the Valley View Office Complex is updated and uniform with functional outdoor spaces.
Office Suites Outdoor Spaces Reimagined
Office Suites Outdoor Spaces Reimagined
Twisted ElementsTwisted Elements
When we moved offices in 2021 from International Market Square to a new space in Eden Prairie, Minnesota we gave up the access to beautiful gathering spaces that were in arms reach of our studio. So last summer we were thrilled when our building started working with a local landscape company to create gathering spaces outside each unit. They asked us to help collaborate with the paver selection, furnishings, and planters. We can’t wait to use these spaces this spring, summer, and fall! There are 6 businesses in the front row, with 3 patios and walkways varying in different shapes and sizes. The landscape designer was able to transition small grade changes by adding limestone retaining walls and limestone steps. Now the front of the Valley View Office Complex is updated and uniform with functional outdoor spaces.

Privacy in Giardino industriali - Foto e idee

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