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Privacy in Giardino american style - Foto e idee

Seattle Cottage
Seattle Cottage
SCJ Studio Landscape ArchitectureSCJ Studio Landscape Architecture
Esempio di un piccolo giardino american style esposto in pieno sole davanti casa con pavimentazioni in cemento
Windgate Ranch 1
Windgate Ranch 1
Merit LandworksMerit Landworks
Foto di un privacy in giardino stile americano esposto a mezz'ombra nel cortile laterale e di medie dimensioni in estate con ghiaia
West University 1 - Landscape Design, Installation, Maintenance
West University 1 - Landscape Design, Installation, Maintenance
Hogue Landscape ServicesHogue Landscape Services
Ispirazione per un grande giardino stile americano esposto in pieno sole dietro casa in estate con pacciame e recinzione in legno
Ravenna Bungalow
Ravenna Bungalow
Hayes Landscape Design ServicesHayes Landscape Design Services
Immagine di un piccolo privacy in giardino stile americano esposto a mezz'ombra nel cortile laterale con pavimentazioni in cemento e recinzione in legno
Northwest Backyard Sport Park
Northwest Backyard Sport Park
Alderwood Landscape Architecture and ConstructionAlderwood Landscape Architecture and Construction
A sports court brings functionality to any space. A little college love was displayed on this family's court and nearby landscaping directed the focus to the court.
Commercial Building with an incredible hidden L-shaped terrace - Evanston
Commercial Building with an incredible hidden L-shaped terrace - Evanston
Krugel Cobbles, Inc.Krugel Cobbles, Inc.
Bluestone inner patio ideal for Gatherings and celebrations "al fresco"
Idee per un giardino american style di medie dimensioni e in cortile con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale e recinzione in metallo
6' Tall Cedar "Oklahoma" Privacy with Scalloped Diagonal Lattice Topper
6' Tall Cedar "Oklahoma" Privacy with Scalloped Diagonal Lattice Topper
Fence Appeal, LLCFence Appeal, LLC
6' Tall Cedar "Oklahoma" Privacy Fence with Scalloped Lattice Top with Pressure treated Posts and Hanover Post Caps.
Idee per un giardino stile americano di medie dimensioni e nel cortile laterale con recinzione in legno
Custom Fence
Custom Fence
C.V. Cedar Sales & FencingC.V. Cedar Sales & Fencing
these "jail top" fences have a distinct or refined look. This gives privacy without feeling too closed in. 2 of the photos are of a 7 foot fence where zoning permitted it. 1 photo of a 7 foot fence with spaces between panel boards
South Surrey Fence and Pergola
South Surrey Fence and Pergola
Peak Performance RenovationsPeak Performance Renovations
Immagine di un ampio privacy in giardino american style dietro casa con recinzione in legno
Seattle Cottage
Seattle Cottage
SCJ Studio Landscape ArchitectureSCJ Studio Landscape Architecture
Idee per un piccolo giardino american style esposto in pieno sole davanti casa con pavimentazioni in cemento
Premium Stockade Top
Premium Stockade Top
C.V. Cedar Sales & FencingC.V. Cedar Sales & Fencing
these "jail top" fences have a distinct or refined look. This gives privacy without feeling too closed in. 2 of the photos are of a 7 foot fence where zoning permitted it.
Tupelo Estates
Tupelo Estates
Ence HomesEnce Homes
This home is our current model for our community, Tupelo Estates. A large covered porch invites you into this well appointed comfortable home. The joined great room and dining room make for perfect family time or entertaining. The workable kitchen features an island and corner pantry. Separated from the other three bedrooms, the master suite is complete with vaulted ceilings and two walk in closets. This cozy home has everything you need to enjoy the great life style offered at Tupelo Estates. Jeremiah Barber
The Palm House Richmond
The Palm House Richmond
Phillip Johnson LandscapesPhillip Johnson Landscapes
Courtyard with pond connecting may rooms and giving a perfect green aspect from 3 living spaces
Foto di un piccolo giardino american style esposto a mezz'ombra in cortile in estate con pedane
Colorado Blue/Green Spruce
Colorado Blue/Green Spruce
Burkhart Outdoors, Inc.Burkhart Outdoors, Inc.
Colorado Blue/Green Spruce Tree - Silvery-blue foliage keeps good color throughout the year. Prefers full sun conditions to maintain a dense, pyramidal growth habit. - 60 ft tall and 20-25' wide
San Jose Exterior and Fencing
San Jose Exterior and Fencing
Red Bird BuildRed Bird Build
Idee per un privacy in giardino stile americano dietro casa
Blue Hibiscus GardensBlue Hibiscus Gardens
Foto di un privacy in giardino american style esposto in pieno sole davanti casa con pacciame e recinzione in legno
株式会社 木村グリーンガーデナー株式会社 木村グリーンガーデナー
編み込み型のウッドフェンスを採用したことにより 見た目の良さももちろんですが、遮へい性に優れてる割に 編み込んだ隙間から風が名gれるデザインです。 耐久年数も長く、弊社でも人気のフェンスです。
Idee per un privacy in giardino american style esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e in cortile in estate con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale e recinzione in legno
405 Jefferson
405 Jefferson
QPC DECK Restoration ProsQPC DECK Restoration Pros
Competed fencing
Foto di un ampio giardino american style esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in estate con pedane e recinzione in legno
Oakland Landscape Transformation
Oakland Landscape Transformation
Art Garden DesignArt Garden Design
For this backyard we regarded the entire lot. To maximize the backyard space, we used Redwood boards to created two decks, 1) an upper deck level with the upper unit, with wrapping stairs landing on a paver patio, and 2) a lower deck level with the lower unit and connecting to the main patio. The steep driveway was regraded with drainage and stairs to provide an activity patio with seating and custom built shed. We repurposed about 60 percent of the demoed concrete to build urbanite retaining walls along the Eastern side of the house. A Belgard Paver patio defines the main entertaining space, with stairs that lead to a flagstone patio and spa, small fescue lawn, and perimeter of edible fruit trees.
A Craftsman Home in Montalvo
A Craftsman Home in Montalvo
The rear garden was reconfigured as an outdoor living area. It has a louvered dining arbor, a spa built into a raised deck, a full kitchen, a fireplace, and a summer house on the hill above.

Privacy in Giardino american style - Foto e idee

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