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698 Foto di cantine industriali

The One - 1350 Main Street
The One - 1350 Main Street
Trinity Custom HomesTrinity Custom Homes
Ispirazione per una cantina industriale
58 Walker Street
58 Walker Street
Immagine di una piccola cantina industriale con parquet scuro, rastrelliere portabottiglie e pavimento marrone
CplusC Architects + BuildersCplusC Architects + Builders
Foto di una cantina industriale
Best of Houzz 2025: ecco i vincitori!
ECO 44
ECO 44
Portable Ecofireplace with ECO 36 burner and recycled, discarded agricultural plow disks weathering Corten steel encasing and legs. Thermal insulation made of rock wool bases and refractory tape applied to the burner.
2017 Parade of Homes
2017 Parade of Homes
Housing & Building Association of Colorado SpringsHousing & Building Association of Colorado Springs
2017 Colorado Springs Parade of Homes, El Braque; Builder: Picasso Homes; Builder Website: http://www.picassohomescolorado.com/
Basement and Kitchen Remodeling
Basement and Kitchen Remodeling
Royal Construction Group, Inc.Royal Construction Group, Inc.
Foto di una cantina industriale di medie dimensioni con parquet chiaro e rastrelliere portabottiglie
Residential Custom Wine Cellars (- 1000 bottles)
Residential Custom Wine Cellars (- 1000 bottles)
Dragon CellarsDragon Cellars
by DC
Ispirazione per una cantina industriale di medie dimensioni con portabottiglie a vista, parquet chiaro e pavimento marrone
Trova il professionista locale adatto per il tuo progetto
Trova i migliori professionisti di progettazione e ristrutturazione su Houzz
Napa Residence Cellar
Napa Residence Cellar
Architectural Plastics, Inc.Architectural Plastics, Inc.
This industrial modern cellar blends rustic materials with flawlessly clear lucite wine racks. We also designed a lighting stradegy for the wine racks that made them shimmer and glow.
Mixed use
Mixed use
Black Forest BuildersBlack Forest Builders
Foto di una cantina industriale
Whitney Loft - Riverfront Condo Downtown Minneapolis
Whitney Loft - Riverfront Condo Downtown Minneapolis
Streeter Custom BuilderStreeter Custom Builder
Every detail of this historic loft renovation has been carefully chosen. From wood sourced from a single supplier to the exquisite Rohl & Brizo faucets in the baths and a Native Trails apron front stone sink in the kitchen and pantry, each element exudes timeless elegance. Rift white oak cabinetry pairs with Rocky Mountain door and cabinet hardware in White Bronze Medium. Custom glass floods the solarium with light, while artisan-crafted plaster walls provide a perfect backdrop. Modern amenities include an Ecosmart fireplace and a television lift from Future Automation. The Art Hanging Track Shadow Line System adds the final touch, allowing for seamless display of cherished artworks.
Willow Creek Contemporary
Willow Creek Contemporary
By Design Interiors, Inc.By Design Interiors, Inc.
This wine cellar was custom designed for a client who wanted a sophisticated and unique space to keep their vast wine collection. Senior designer, Ayca, utilized onyx stone for the accent walls to steer away from the traditional and create the perfect statement piece for this one-of-a-kind design. Upon opening the wine cellar door, you are struck by the stunning colors and movements within the onyx walls, complemented by the intricate asymmetrical shelving and cabinetry that incorporates rich natural wood. Backlighting and framing create two focal points within the space, emphasizing the true beauty of the agate stone. This star piece, along with solid stain walnut cabinets, custom shelving, and steel wine peg inserts seamlessly blend within this chilled and temperature-controlled bar. This wine cellar is a hidden gem within this modern transitional home.
jamesthomas, LLC
jamesthomas, LLC
Jamesthomas InteriorsJamesthomas Interiors
Wine Nook
Immagine di una cantina industriale con rastrelliere portabottiglie e pavimento grigio
Georgetown Modern Industrial Wine Cellar
Georgetown Modern Industrial Wine Cellar
Capitol Hill ConstructionCapitol Hill Construction
Jamie D Photography
Esempio di una cantina industriale
Wine Room and Basement Bar in Hinsdale, Illinois
Wine Room and Basement Bar in Hinsdale, Illinois
Wheatland Custom Cabinetry & WoodworkWheatland Custom Cabinetry & Woodwork
Elizabeth Steiner Photography
Idee per una cantina industriale di medie dimensioni con pavimento in laminato, rastrelliere portabottiglie e pavimento marrone
Loft en retiro
Loft en retiro
Teresa Sapey + PartnersTeresa Sapey + Partners
Foto di una cantina industriale con pavimento in legno massello medio, rastrelliere portabottiglie e pavimento marrone
Sophisticated Wine cupboard encapsulated through majestic Origin Internal Doors
Sophisticated Wine cupboard encapsulated through majestic Origin Internal Doors
Origin - Doors and WindowsOrigin - Doors and Windows
Sophisticated Wine cupboard encapsulated through majestic Origin Internal Doors
Foto di una cantina industriale
Gibson Loft
Gibson Loft
Raw CreativeRaw Creative
Photo: Christopher Bobek
Ispirazione per una cantina industriale di medie dimensioni con parquet scuro, rastrelliere portabottiglie e pavimento marrone

698 Foto di cantine industriali

Private Home, Bethesda
Private Home, Bethesda
Progetti Design StudioProgetti Design Studio
Foto di una cantina industriale di medie dimensioni con portabottiglie a vista
Industrial Condo Renovation
Industrial Condo Renovation
CBH InteriorsCBH Interiors
Esempio di una cantina industriale
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