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Giardini Formali - Foto e idee

Very private backyard enclave
Very private backyard enclave
Morgan Howarth PhotographyMorgan Howarth Photography
Very private backyard enclave waterfall
Ispirazione per un giardino formale design esposto a mezz'ombra dietro casa in estate con una cascata e pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
David R. Lamb, Landscape ArchitectDavid R. Lamb, Landscape Architect
This propery is situated on the south side of Centre Island at the edge of an oak and ash woodlands. orignally, it was three properties having one house and various out buildings. topographically, it more or less continually sloped to the water. Our task was to creat a series of terraces that were to house various functions such as the main house and forecourt, cottage, boat house and utility barns. The immediate landscape around the main house was largely masonry terraces and flower gardens. The outer landscape was comprised of heavily planted trails and intimate open spaces for the client to preamble through. As the site was largely an oak and ash woods infested with Norway maple and japanese honey suckle we essentially started with tall trees and open ground. Our planting intent was to introduce a variety of understory tree and a heavy shrub and herbaceous layer with an emphisis on planting native material. As a result the feel of the property is one of graciousness with a challenge to explore.
Private Modern Garden
Private Modern Garden
Outside CollectiveOutside Collective
Christel Leung
Ispirazione per un piccolo giardino formale moderno esposto in pieno sole dietro casa con un ingresso o sentiero e pavimentazioni in cemento
LONDON - Notting Hill
LONDON - Notting Hill
Nigel Gomme
Esempio di un grande giardino formale tropicale esposto a mezz'ombra dietro casa con pedane e un ingresso o sentiero
Traditional Garden
Traditional Garden
Landscaping SolutionsLandscaping Solutions
Immagine di un piccolo giardino classico in ombra e stretto dietro casa con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Hampstead Small Garden
Hampstead Small Garden
Peter Reader LandscapesPeter Reader Landscapes
The view from the raised seating area across the garden.
Ispirazione per un piccolo giardino formale minimal dietro casa con pavimentazioni in cemento
Jobe Corral ArchitectsJobe Corral Architects
This house was designed around a small courtyard. Photos by Casey Woods
Foto di un giardino formale contemporaneo esposto a mezz'ombra in cortile e di medie dimensioni con fontane e ghiaia
Formal Vegetable Garden
Formal Vegetable Garden
Offshoots, Inc.Offshoots, Inc.
A beautiful escape in your edible garden. Fruit trees create a privacy screen around a cedar pergola and raised vegetable beds.
Idee per un giardino country esposto in pieno sole dietro casa in estate con ghiaia
A Gaelic Estate in the Hamptons
A Gaelic Estate in the Hamptons
Devore AssociatesDevore Associates
Ispirazione per un giardino formale classico con fontane
Summer Perennial Garden
Summer Perennial Garden
Foto di un grande giardino formale classico esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa con un ingresso o sentiero e pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Traditional Landscape
Traditional Landscape
Idee per un giardino formale classico esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e dietro casa in estate con un ingresso o sentiero e pacciame
Redbrick Roseville
Redbrick Roseville
Oliver Design AssociatesOliver Design Associates
Immagine di un grande giardino formale tradizionale esposto a mezz'ombra dietro casa
gardenUP Garden Designs
gardenUP Garden Designs
Idee per un giardino chic esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in primavera con pacciame
York - Private Garden
York - Private Garden
Yorkshire Garden DesignerYorkshire Garden Designer
Idee per un giardino formale classico dietro casa con un ingresso o sentiero e pedane
English Jewel Box
English Jewel Box
Mariani LandscapeMariani Landscape
The transition to several garden rooms, a gravel path leads from the rear terrace to the many spaces. The entry is flanked by the New England fieldstone seat wall, capped in blue stone. The path is lined with cushwa brick outlining the formal garden filled with boxwood, pachysandra ground cover, hydrangea, magnolia, and eastern redbud. Photo Credit: Linda Oyama Bryan
Raised Bed Vegetable Garden
Raised Bed Vegetable Garden
Casa Smith Designs, LLCCasa Smith Designs, LLC
The star at the center of this veggie garden is the perfect place for the dwarf lemon tree. The six pointed star (just like the Great Seal of the United States) is ideal for the strawberries to cascade over the edges. The star is 6' with 3' clearance around the star so the space is wide enough to comfortably access the veggie beds from all sides. Photo Credit: Mark Pinkerton
Brookline Brownstone
Brookline Brownstone
a Blade of Grassa Blade of Grass
The bluestone patio was screened from the neighbors with a wall of arborvitae. Lush perennial gardens provide flower cutting opportunities and color to offset the green wall.
Espace de vie du jardin
Espace de vie du jardin
Terrasses des Oliviers - Paysagiste ParisTerrasses des Oliviers - Paysagiste Paris
Immagine di un grande giardino formale design esposto a mezz'ombra dietro casa in primavera con un ingresso o sentiero, pedane e recinzione in legno
Leucadia Mid Century
Leucadia Mid Century
DZN PartnersDZN Partners
Foto di un giardino formale minimalista esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e dietro casa con un giardino in vaso e ghiaia
Family Garden in Putney
Family Garden in Putney
Ruth Willmott AssociatesRuth Willmott Associates
Ruth Willmott
Idee per un giardino formale moderno di medie dimensioni e dietro casa

Giardini Formali - Foto e idee

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