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2.142 Foto di porte d'ingresso american style

Outside In - Front Exterior
Outside In - Front Exterior
Drewett WorksDrewett Works
Positioned near the base of iconic Camelback Mountain, “Outside In” is a modernist home celebrating the love of outdoor living Arizonans crave. The design inspiration was honoring early territorial architecture while applying modernist design principles. Dressed with undulating negra cantera stone, the massing elements of “Outside In” bring an artistic stature to the project’s design hierarchy. This home boasts a first (never seen before feature) — a re-entrant pocketing door which unveils virtually the entire home’s living space to the exterior pool and view terrace. A timeless chocolate and white palette makes this home both elegant and refined. Oriented south, the spectacular interior natural light illuminates what promises to become another timeless piece of architecture for the Paradise Valley landscape. Project Details | Outside In Architect: CP Drewett, AIA, NCARB, Drewett Works Builder: Bedbrock Developers Interior Designer: Ownby Design Photographer: Werner Segarra Publications: Luxe Interiors & Design, Jan/Feb 2018, "Outside In: Optimized for Entertaining, a Paradise Valley Home Connects with its Desert Surrounds" Awards: Gold Nugget Awards - 2018 Award of Merit – Best Indoor/Outdoor Lifestyle for a Home – Custom The Nationals - 2017 Silver Award -- Best Architectural Design of a One of a Kind Home - Custom or Spec http://www.drewettworks.com/outside-in/
Modern Craftsman New Construction
Modern Craftsman New Construction
Shaun Ring
Immagine di una porta d'ingresso stile americano di medie dimensioni con pareti grigie, pavimento in legno massello medio, pavimento marrone, una porta a due ante e una porta in legno scuro
Best of Houzz 2025: ecco i vincitori!
Lindal -Entry
Lindal -Entry
Lindal Cedar Homes リンダルシーダーホームズK.K.Lindal Cedar Homes リンダルシーダーホームズK.K.
Immagine di una porta d'ingresso stile americano con pareti grigie, parquet chiaro, una porta singola e una porta in legno bruno
Our Products - Pella Doors
Our Products - Pella Doors
Richroath ConstructionRichroath Construction
Foto di una grande porta d'ingresso american style con una porta a due ante e una porta in legno scuro
Parade of Homes 2015
Parade of Homes 2015
Ironwood Master CraftersIronwood Master Crafters
Foto di una grande porta d'ingresso stile americano con una porta singola e una porta rossa
Craftsman-style Door Design Ideas
Craftsman-style Door Design Ideas
Today’s Entry DoorsToday’s Entry Doors
Craftsman style 42" entry door with no shelf. Jeld-Wen Model A-362 Aurora fiberglass with Frosted glass top light. Split finish - Factory painted black exterior and Eggshell interior. Emtek Wilshire oil rubbed bronze Hardware. Installed in Fullerton, CA home.
Hathaway Point Lake Cottage
Hathaway Point Lake Cottage
Bickford Construction CorporationBickford Construction Corporation
Simple style, combined with simple materials, creates wonderful spaces for easy lake living. Photos by Susan Teare
Foto di una porta d'ingresso american style con una porta singola e una porta in legno chiaro
Craftsman Home
Craftsman Home
Melaragno Design Company, LLCMelaragno Design Company, LLC
Ispirazione per una porta d'ingresso stile americano con una porta singola e una porta in legno scuro
Phinney Ridge Remodel
Phinney Ridge Remodel
ecco design inc. architectsecco design inc. architects
Craftsman front door photo credit: biancaelizabeth.com
Esempio di una porta d'ingresso american style con una porta singola
Timber Framed Entryways Showcase
Timber Framed Entryways Showcase
Arrow Timber FramingArrow Timber Framing
Mike Schultz Photography Arrow Timber Framing 9726 NE 302nd St, Battle Ground, WA 98604 (360) 687-1868 Web Site: https://www.arrowtimber.com
Robinson Exterior
Robinson Exterior
Immagine di una grande porta d'ingresso stile americano con una porta a due ante e una porta in legno scuro
Craftsman Style Residence
Craftsman Style Residence
J. W. McCarter & AssociatesJ. W. McCarter & Associates
Craftsman style entry foyer with large square chandelier, stone flooring, and wood ceilings.
Esempio di una piccola porta d'ingresso stile americano con pareti beige, una porta a pivot, una porta in vetro e pavimento multicolore
Spanish Colonial | Soledad Mountain Rd, La Jolla
Spanish Colonial | Soledad Mountain Rd, La Jolla
San Diego Home PhotographySan Diego Home Photography
San Diego Home Photography
Ispirazione per una grande porta d'ingresso stile americano con pareti beige, una porta singola e una porta in legno scuro
Ashland Full Home Remodel
Ashland Full Home Remodel
Walls of Time Builders, LLCWalls of Time Builders, LLC
Idee per una porta d'ingresso stile americano di medie dimensioni con una porta singola e una porta in legno bruno
Telgenhoff Residence
Telgenhoff Residence
CLT Design/Build Inc.CLT Design/Build Inc.
The Telgenhoff Residence uses a complex blend of material, texture and color to create a architectural design that reflects the Northwest Lifestyle. This project was completely designed and constructed by Craig L. Telgenhoff.
Craftsman Renovation
Craftsman Renovation
Rockwell CustomRockwell Custom
MK Creative
Foto di una grande porta d'ingresso american style con una porta singola e una porta in legno bruno
Palos Verdes Estates Beach Craftsman
Palos Verdes Estates Beach Craftsman
Pritzkat & Johnson ArchitectsPritzkat & Johnson Architects
Peter McMenamin
Esempio di una porta d'ingresso stile americano con una porta singola e una porta bianca

2.142 Foto di porte d'ingresso american style

Craftsman Doors
Craftsman Doors
Antigua DoorsAntigua Doors
A fun application, blending craftsman and a little rustic, combining Cranberry finish on the outside and a warm brown stain on the inside.
Ispirazione per una porta d'ingresso american style di medie dimensioni con pareti beige, una porta singola e una porta rossa
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