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268 Foto di porte d'ingresso etniche

Entrancing Entrance
Entrancing Entrance
Fredman Design GroupFredman Design Group
The rich ingenuity of rustic materials, warm colors and varying texture lend to an inviting ambiance.
Immagine di una porta d'ingresso etnica con una porta a due ante e una porta marrone
Immagine di una porta d'ingresso etnica con pareti bianche, pavimento in cemento, una porta scorrevole e una porta in legno chiaro
Immagine di una porta d'ingresso etnica con una porta singola e una porta in legno chiaro
Best of Houzz 2025: ecco i vincitori!
Hillside House with Japanese Influences
Hillside House with Japanese Influences
Brad Peebles
Foto di una porta d'ingresso etnica con pareti bianche, pavimento in gres porcellanato, una porta singola e una porta in legno bruno
寺庄の家(terasho house)
寺庄の家(terasho house)
ALTS DESIGN OFFICE (アルツ デザイン オフィス)ALTS DESIGN OFFICE (アルツ デザイン オフィス)
Foto di una porta d'ingresso etnica di medie dimensioni con pareti beige, una porta scorrevole, una porta in legno chiaro e pavimento beige
Glass Front Doors - Exterior Glass Doors - Glass Entry Doors Bonsai Tree 3D
Glass Front Doors - Exterior Glass Doors - Glass Entry Doors Bonsai Tree 3D
Sans Soucie Art GlassSans Soucie Art Glass
Glass Front Doors, Glass Entry Doors that Make a Statement! Your front door is your home's initial focal point and glass doors by Sans Soucie with frosted, etched glass designs create a unique, custom effect while providing privacy AND light thru exquisite, quality designs! Available any size, all glass front doors are custom made to order and ship worldwide at reasonable prices. Exterior entry door glass will be tempered, dual pane (an equally efficient single 1/2" thick pane is used in our fiberglass doors). Selling both the glass inserts for front doors as well as entry doors with glass, Sans Soucie art glass doors are available in 8 woods and Plastpro fiberglass in both smooth surface or a grain texture, as a slab door or prehung in the jamb - any size. From simple frosted glass effects to our more extravagant 3D sculpture carved, painted and stained glass .. and everything in between, Sans Soucie designs are sandblasted different ways creating not only different effects, but different price levels. The "same design, done different" - with no limit to design, there's something for every decor, any style. The privacy you need is created without sacrificing sunlight! Price will vary by design complexity and type of effect: Specialty Glass and Frosted Glass. Inside our fun, easy to use online Glass and Entry Door Designer, you'll get instant pricing on everything as YOU customize your door and glass! When you're all finished designing, you can place your order online! We're here to answer any questions you have so please call (877) 331-339 to speak to a knowledgeable representative! Doors ship worldwide at reasonable prices from Palm Desert, California with delivery time ranges between 3-8 weeks depending on door material and glass effect selected. (Doug Fir or Fiberglass in Frosted Effects allow 3 weeks, Specialty Woods and Glass [2D, 3D, Leaded] will require approx. 8 weeks).
Bridle Trails
Bridle Trails
AOME ArchitectsAOME Architects
Photography by Mike Jensen
Immagine di una porta d'ingresso etnica di medie dimensioni con una porta singola, pareti bianche, pavimento in gres porcellanato, una porta in vetro e pavimento bianco
Arlo Signature - Modin Rigid LVP Collection Customer Space - NV
Arlo Signature - Modin Rigid LVP Collection Customer Space - NV
Arlo Signature from the Modin Rigid LVP Collection - Modern and spacious. A light grey wire-brush serves as the perfect canvass for almost any contemporary space.
Sawgrass County Club Estate
Sawgrass County Club Estate
Mark Macco ArchitectsMark Macco Architects
Jeff Westcott Photography. Interior finishes by Vesta Decor
Foto di una grande porta d'ingresso etnica con pareti beige, pavimento in pietra calcarea, una porta a pivot, una porta in legno scuro e pavimento grigio
Entry way by MGS architecture
Entry way by MGS architecture
MGS ArchitectureMGS Architecture
Immagine di una porta d'ingresso etnica con una porta singola e una porta in legno bruno
株式会社 創芸株式会社 創芸
エントランス廻り 上部に庇があり、奥の深い玄関
Esempio di una porta d'ingresso etnica di medie dimensioni con pareti marroni, una porta scorrevole, una porta in legno scuro e pavimento grigio
Asian Inspired
Asian Inspired
Mary Washer DesignsMary Washer Designs
Kim Sargent
Idee per una porta d'ingresso etnica di medie dimensioni con una porta a due ante, una porta in legno scuro e pareti beige
Japanese House
Japanese House
Van Dam Architecture and DesignVan Dam Architecture and Design
Ispirazione per una porta d'ingresso etnica di medie dimensioni con pareti grigie, pavimento in ardesia, una porta singola e una porta rossa
Park Ridge House
Park Ridge House
Urban Abode Building Design by LisaUrban Abode Building Design by Lisa
Idee per una grande porta d'ingresso etnica con pavimento in cemento, una porta a due ante e una porta in legno bruno
Buderim Balinese renovation
Buderim Balinese renovation
Ayla ConstructionsAyla Constructions
Idee per una porta d'ingresso etnica con una porta singola e una porta in vetro
re:source lifestylesre:source lifestyles
Idee per un'ampia porta d'ingresso etnica con pareti rosse, parquet chiaro e una porta singola
Our Work
Our Work
Custom Door BoutiqueCustom Door Boutique
Esempio di una porta d'ingresso etnica di medie dimensioni con una porta a due ante e una porta in legno scuro
Front Yards
Front Yards
Terrain LandscapeTerrain Landscape
Lance Parker
Idee per una porta d'ingresso etnica di medie dimensioni con una porta singola e una porta in vetro
Northwood custom home build
Northwood custom home build
A fitting entrance to this luxury custom home build in Northwood. The Eastern style of this new build was based around this stunning antique wooden door and highlighted with Corten steel panels and security door. See more of this amazing house here - https://sbrgroup.com.au/portfolio-item/northwood/

268 Foto di porte d'ingresso etniche

Pleasant DesignPleasant Design
Foto di una porta d'ingresso etnica di medie dimensioni con pareti nere, pavimento in cemento, una porta singola, una porta rossa e pavimento grigio
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