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Esempio di una sala da pranzo tradizionale chiusa e di medie dimensioni con pareti bianche, pavimento in laminato, camino classico, cornice del camino in mattoni e pavimento marrone
Interiors by Popov
Interiors by Popov
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle54 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Yellow Rhapsody: Kirkland living and dining area design

This project is a great example of how small changes can have a huge impact on a space. ​ Our clients wanted to have a more functional dining and living areas while combining his modern and hers more traditional style. The goal was to bring the space into the 21st century aesthetically without breaking the bank. We first tackled the massive oak built-in fireplace surround in the dining area, by painting it a lighter color. We added built-in LED lights, hidden behind each shelf ledge, to provide soft accent lighting. By changing the color of the trim and walls, we lightened the whole space up. We turned a once unused space, adjacent to the living room into a much-needed library, accommodating an area for the electric piano. We added light modern sectional, an elegant coffee table, and a contemporary TV media unit in the living room. New dark wood floors, stylish accessories and yellow drapery add warmth to the space and complete the look. ​ The home is now ready for a grand party with champagne and live entertainment.
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