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Foto di una scala a "L" tradizionale di medie dimensioni con pedata in legno e alzata in legno verniciato
DW Ricks Architects + Associates, PC
DW Ricks Architects + Associates, PC
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle24 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Vernon Residence

Entry Hall & Stair At night the full affect of the coffered stair ceiling can be appreciated. The ceiling is painted with a faux night sky paint. A pre-manufactured kit was used for the ceiling lights. They are made from varying diameter fiber optic lights, positioned with a template for proper star positions. The layout and star size depict a portion of a real solar system. The dark sky and stars seen through the stair wall windows are real! Visually, they help to fool the mind's eye and create the very real illusion of a stair open to a night sky.
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