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Foto di una sala da pranzo aperta verso la cucina minimalista di medie dimensioni con pareti bianche, pavimento in cemento, stufa a legna, cornice del camino in pietra e pavimento grigio
HCC Interiors
HCC Interiors
Valutazione media: 4.9 di 5 stelle9 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Open Plan Kitchen Diner

The aim for this West facing kitchen was to have a warm welcoming feel, combined with a fresh, easy to maintain and clean aesthetic. This level is relatively dark in the mornings and the multitude of small rooms didn't work for it. Collaborating with the conservation officers, we created an open plan layout, which still hinted at the former separation of spaces through the use of ceiling level change and cornicing. We used a mix of vintage and antique items and designed a kitchen with a mid-century feel but cutting-edge components to create a comfortable and practical space. Extremely comfortable vintage dining chairs were sourced for a song and recovered in a sturdy peachy pink mohair velvet The bar stools were sourced all the way from the USA via a European dealer, and also provide very comfortable seating for those perching at the imposing kitchen island. Mirror splashbacks line the joinery back wall to reflect the light coming from the window and doors and bring more green inside the room. Photo by Matthias Peters
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