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Laghetti da Giardino rustici - Foto e idee

Private Residence with Pond
Private Residence with Pond
Stan Clauson Associates, Inc.Stan Clauson Associates, Inc.
Photos taken by Melon Gosha
Immagine di un grande laghetto da giardino stile rurale esposto in pieno sole dietro casa
Downtown Annapolis Pond
Downtown Annapolis Pond
Honeysuckle Nursery & DesignHoneysuckle Nursery & Design
Ispirazione per un grande giardino rustico esposto a mezz'ombra dietro casa con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Water Fall Center Piece
Water Fall Center Piece
C&H LandscapingC&H Landscaping
Idee per un grande giardino stile rurale esposto in pieno sole dietro casa in estate con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Lakota #5 Carpentry & Landscaping
Lakota #5 Carpentry & Landscaping
Klebba Custom BuildersKlebba Custom Builders
Ispirazione per un grande laghetto da giardino stile rurale esposto in pieno sole dietro casa in estate con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Backyard Retreat at Sanctuary Pointe
Backyard Retreat at Sanctuary Pointe
Accent LandscapesAccent Landscapes
A peaceful backyard sanctuary featuring a crackling fire pit surrounded by comfortable seating, paired with a gently cascading stream over natural stone, creating the perfect setting for relaxation and connection with nature.
Past Landscape Projects
Past Landscape Projects
Alpine Construction and Design Ltd.Alpine Construction and Design Ltd.
Esempio di un laghetto da giardino stile rurale esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e dietro casa
The Colony at White Pine Canyon Park City UT
The Colony at White Pine Canyon Park City UT
Pendleton Design ManagementPendleton Design Management
Ispirazione per un laghetto da giardino stile rurale dietro casa
Pond Overhaul - Bedminster, NJ
Pond Overhaul - Bedminster, NJ
Fitz's Fish PondsFitz's Fish Ponds
Paul Madsen
Immagine di un grande laghetto da giardino rustico dietro casa con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
The House of Trees- view towards the barn
The House of Trees- view towards the barn
W Garett Carlson, ASLAW Garett Carlson, ASLA
Idee per un ampio laghetto da giardino rustico davanti casa con pedane
Charlotte Natural Swimming Pond
Charlotte Natural Swimming Pond
This pond has a 44 mil liner to ensure a leak free swimming structure. The liner material is sensitive to sunlight and will eventually breakdown over the years if it is exposed. As a result, our team spent 3 days meticulously covering the entire pond liner with stone. Each small boulder is hand placed to ensure a perfect fit and not tear the liner in the building process. The amount of patients and effort by our crew is incredible and the result is always beautiful! The waterfall which adds to the natural feel of the pond was created with large stone shelves and a bog for natural filtration. All of our water features use natural filtration processes and no chemicals. We create a simulated bog which the water is pumped into and cleaned naturally though various levels of sand, stone and wetland plants.
Water Features
Water Features
Bella Giardino Landscape & Garden DesignBella Giardino Landscape & Garden Design
Immagine di un grande giardino stile rurale esposto a mezz'ombra dietro casa in estate con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Forest Pond Backyard Garden and Patio\
Forest Pond Backyard Garden and Patio\
Southview DesignSouthview Design
Backyard national forest with native gardens and aquatic plantings.
Idee per un laghetto da giardino rustico in ombra di medie dimensioni e dietro casa in estate con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Rustic Landscape
Rustic Landscape
Idee per un laghetto da giardino rustico dietro casa con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Backyard Cascades
Backyard Cascades
FallingWater ScapesFallingWater Scapes
Ispirazione per un grande giardino stile rurale esposto a mezz'ombra dietro casa in inverno con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Pond-less Stream and Landscaping
Pond-less Stream and Landscaping
Pond-less Stream and Landscaping Photo: Shawn Ellison
Esempio di un grande giardino stile rurale esposto in pieno sole con un pendio, una collina o una riva
White Deer Valley
White Deer Valley
Designs by SundownDesigns by Sundown
Idee per un laghetto da giardino rustico esposto in pieno sole dietro casa
Provo Canyon
Provo Canyon
Upwall DesignUpwall Design
Ispirazione per un laghetto da giardino stile rurale dietro casa
Slug Gulch Recreation Pond
Slug Gulch Recreation Pond
Verne Pershing, The Art of GardeningVerne Pershing, The Art of Gardening
We built this 30'x30'x5' Recreation Pond in early 2021. It has 5-waterfalls, and is landscaped with California native plants. The water is naturally filtered through a 3,000 gallon upflow wetland filter.
Landscape Technology GroupLandscape Technology Group
Bull elk statue silently gazes downhill across the forested garden.
Ispirazione per un laghetto da giardino stile rurale con un pendio, una collina o una riva
Outdoor Koi Pond
Outdoor Koi Pond
Fitz's Fish PondsFitz's Fish Ponds
An amazing water experience we built in New Jersey last year. This Pond is the home to many beautiful Koi and wildlife. Our team designed and built this pond to give the homeowner a place to escape after a long day. The water falls pour into the main pond creating a relaxing sound perfect for unwinding.

Laghetti da Giardino rustici - Foto e idee

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