Giardini shabby-chic style davanti casa - Foto e idee
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Monarch Rain Chains
Copper Lotus Rain Chain in Green Patina- 8.5 feet
Foto di un grande giardino shabby-chic style davanti casa con fontane
Foto di un grande giardino shabby-chic style davanti casa con fontane
Specialty Gardens
Paul Kiefer, Specialty Gardens LLC
Idee per un vialetto d'ingresso shabby-chic style esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in estate con un ingresso o sentiero e pavimentazioni in mattoni
Idee per un vialetto d'ingresso shabby-chic style esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in estate con un ingresso o sentiero e pavimentazioni in mattoni
All Seasons Landscape Design
Immagine di un piccolo vialetto d'ingresso shabby-chic style esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in primavera con fontane e pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Native Edge Landscape
his yard was transformed from a bland bilder basic to a fun and lush xeriscaped entry way. To make the yard feel bigger, we removed the driveway and used gravel from end to end, creating an open, borderless planting and patio space across the entire front yard. For extra security and privacy, a fence was added along the front, which features an automatic gate for easy use as they come and go. With the limestone facade being one of the customers least favorite features of the house, we planted fig ivy vines to grow and cover it.
Garden Lights Landscape and Pool Development Inc.
Hog wire, Mediterranean, Unique Lighting, Great Plants
Blue Flame Agave, Hairy Canary Clover, SunnyDay Teucrium, Little Ollie - Dwarf Olive tree/shrubs, Swan Hill Fruitless Olives, Papaya Knophia, Belgard Pavers, Platinum Beaty Lomandra
Above and Beyond Complete Grounds Maintenance
Ispirazione per un piccolo giardino shabby-chic style davanti casa con un muro di contenimento
Kristen Rudger Landscape Design
Immagine di un piccolo giardino stile shabby davanti casa con cancello
Gardens by Design of Connecticut, LLC
This carefully planned front yard in the Bayview shore neighborhood contains a mix of color, texture and form, all in a tiny space. It is very low-maintenance and pleasing from both inside the house and from the street year-round.
Fairley Trees & Landscapes
Geranium has folowered all summer following patterns of drought and downpour
Immagine di un giardino shabby-chic style di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in estate
Immagine di un giardino shabby-chic style di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in estate
JMS Design Associates 310-552-1644
This entry was designed to give color and and create a lasting impact on the viewer as they enter the residence.-- Let us help you put all the concepts that you gather together into a beautiful landscape. We have designers in the office and we are a fully licensed landscape contractor.
Native Edge Landscape
his yard was transformed from a bland bilder basic to a fun and lush xeriscaped entry way. To make the yard feel bigger, we removed the driveway and used gravel from end to end, creating an open, borderless planting and patio space across the entire front yard. For extra security and privacy, a fence was added along the front, which features an automatic gate for easy use as they come and go. With the limestone facade being one of the customers least favorite features of the house, we planted fig ivy vines to grow and cover it.
Botalia Designs
Natalia Lopez de la Cruz
Esempio di un piccolo giardino stile shabby esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in estate con un ingresso o sentiero e ghiaia
Esempio di un piccolo giardino stile shabby esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in estate con un ingresso o sentiero e ghiaia
Kristen Rudger Landscape Design
Ispirazione per un piccolo giardino stile shabby davanti casa con cancello
バルコニースタイル balconystyle
Immagine di un giardino stile shabby davanti casa in primavera con un giardino in vaso
Immagine di un giardino stile shabby davanti casa in primavera con un giardino in vaso
Deibys Landscaping INC.
Becher Neme
Ispirazione per un piccolo giardino xeriscape stile shabby esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in primavera con pacciame
Ispirazione per un piccolo giardino xeriscape stile shabby esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in primavera con pacciame
Above and Beyond Complete Grounds Maintenance
Immagine di un piccolo giardino stile shabby davanti casa con un muro di contenimento
Tabor Group Landscape
Alyssa Lee Photography
Idee per un vialetto d'ingresso shabby-chic style esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa in autunno con un ingresso o sentiero e pacciame
Idee per un vialetto d'ingresso shabby-chic style esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa in autunno con un ingresso o sentiero e pacciame
Gaelic Clover Landscape Design LLC
Immagine di un giardino shabby-chic style di medie dimensioni e davanti casa con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Федорова Татьяна (Влами)
Дизайн сада получил свою дополнительную неповторимость и красоту благодаря созданию водопада.
Водопад радует глаз и слух и днем и вечером - когда включают подсветку.
Заказать дизайн дачного участка профессиональному дизайнеру собственники решились достаточно давно. Но, в связи с экономией бюджета, реализация ландшафтного проекта происходила по этапам.
Водопад - один из заключительных этапов.
Дизайнер Федорова Татьяна (Влами) лично контролировала заключительную часть по оформлению водопада (кладка камня). Ведь для того, что бы получилось действительно живописно, повторяло природную первозданность, необходимо правильно положить каждый камушек....
Садовый диван, виднеющийся на заднем плане, был сделан, по совету дизайнера, из оставшихся после строительства дома деревянных брусов.
Роспись дивана, в стиле прованс, осуществила сама Влами (дизайнер и художник)
Дизайн участка и водопада : Федорова Татьяна (Влами)
Giardini shabby-chic style davanti casa - Foto e idee