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Giardini eclettici davanti casa - Foto e idee

Joyous Wildlife Habitat in Santa Monica
Joyous Wildlife Habitat in Santa Monica
Urban Oasis Landscape DesignUrban Oasis Landscape Design
A “Little Free Library” with a bespoke rustic bench on the outside of the wall has become a neighborhood gathering spot.
Immagine di un piccolo giardino xeriscape bohémian esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in primavera con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale e recinzione in pietra
Native Sun GardensNative Sun Gardens
Succulents provide a low-maintenance and low water option for your outdoor OR indoor space. They also act as amazing ground covers and are a great alternative to lawns! Photo cred: Joshua Thayer
Harvest & Potter
Harvest & Potter
Even SpacesEven Spaces
Foto di un piccolo giardino eclettico esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa con pavimentazioni in mattoni
Brentwood, TN
Brentwood, TN
Who Did Your Garden Landscape DesignWho Did Your Garden Landscape Design
Front Entry Garden
Foto di un giardino bohémian esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa
Gainer Garden
Gainer Garden
Taproot Garden DesignTaproot Garden Design
Patrick & Topaze McCaffery - Taproot Garden Design "Benches made by the homeowner sit opposite each other, one in full shade and one in part sun. Neighbors have the option to rest, chat, and enjoy the garden."
Front Entry Landscape
Front Entry Landscape
Krugel Cobbles, Inc.Krugel Cobbles, Inc.
Photos by Linda Oyama Bryan
Idee per un piccolo giardino eclettico davanti casa con un muro di contenimento e pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Bruce's Garden
Bruce's Garden
Immagine di un giardino bohémian davanti casa
Mica Slate Path
Mica Slate Path
Plan-it Earth DesignPlan-it Earth Design
A flagstone path of small stones set horizontally leads from the sidewalk to the back gate in this low maintenance front yard garden. Photo by Amy Whitworth Installation by J. Walter Landscape & Irrigation Contractor
Wood Creek Reserve Update
Wood Creek Reserve Update
Sage Pools, Scapes & DesignSage Pools, Scapes & Design
side view of highlighting pavers and peter pan agapanthus
Esempio di un giardino bohémian esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e davanti casa con pavimentazioni in cemento
Urban Meadow
Urban Meadow
The Ardent Gardener Landscape DesignThe Ardent Gardener Landscape Design
A boring front lawn transformed into an explosion of color with drought tolerant perennials and grasses and an Idaho Fescue lawn. Warm, welcoming entry in this Urban garden.
Midcentury Rustic
Midcentury Rustic
Sweet Smiling LandscapesSweet Smiling Landscapes
These clients bought a Mid-century house with a vintage landscape that left something to be desired. Both the clients as well as myself have a great appreciation for midcentury design and its clean lines but the majority of the landscapes found in Mid-century housing developments across America miss the mark when it comes to more current sensibilities. The midcentury American philosophy was that man should exert dominance over the land and that hedge trimmers and lawn mowers are mans best friends. Today more enlighten landscape designers strive to create landscapes that work with nature and not dominate it. In this project we did just that. These home owners loved the view of the mountains from their back yard in Santa Barbara, the way the warm colored sand stone boulders peak through muted greens of the Chaparral. We designed this landscape to be of its place. Sourcing local sandstone boulders like to ones found in the mountains behind the house we used then to build a low retaining wall. By breaking the sloping land into two flatter sections we are able to slow down the speed at which water evacuates the property giving it a chance to soak into the soil. This allows the landscape to work like a natural mini water shed, keeping the storm drains and then the oceans overwhelmed with polluted water and providing more water to the plants with less irrigation. When it came to the plants, the clients wanted low water color and texture. To celebrate the fact that the house is located in Santa Barbara county we wanted to incorporate the muted green tones, with pops of colorful foliage. Using a mix of course lots of California native plants and Mediterranean adapted plants we created a plant plate that is beautiful, low maintenance and flutters with native fauna such as bird, and butterflies and bees.
Landscape Projects, Inc.Landscape Projects, Inc.
Tulips and pansies provide early spring color to raised bed containers constructed with M-Brace brackets for added interest. In the summer, the owner plants two of the beds with vegetables (all of the sun on the property is in the front yard). ©Melissa Clark Photography. All rights reserved.
Garden View Landscape and PoolsGarden View Landscape and Pools
Immagine di un vialetto d'ingresso bohémian esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e davanti casa con pavimentazioni in mattoni
Entry Gardens
Entry Gardens
Garden Gate LandscapingGarden Gate Landscaping
Charles W. Bowers/Garden Gate Landscaping, Inc.
Esempio di un grande giardino bohémian esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa in estate con un giardino in vaso e pavimentazioni in cemento
California Heights Craftsman Xeriscape
California Heights Craftsman Xeriscape
California Eco Design, Inc.California Eco Design, Inc.
This is a Roberto Burle Marx- inspired design, a drought tolerant landscape that imitates the vibrant colors and patterns of the tropics. We kept the monstera and bird of paradise plants, and with the colorful trim on the house, it all works together in this eclectic mashup.
Swirls 4x4 Bollards by driveway
Swirls 4x4 Bollards by driveway
Attraction LightsAttraction Lights
These Swirls 4x4 Bollards are used for driveway lighting on this residential project. The bollards are 37 inches tall and thus, they still "clear" most Minnesota snow banks in the winter! All our bollard lights mount on concrete piers for great stability, too! These landscape lights provide artistic sculptural markers for the driveway, day or night. Photo by Lyle Braund, Attraction Lights
Carlsbad Stonework
Carlsbad Stonework
Argia Designs Landscape Design & ConsultationArgia Designs Landscape Design & Consultation
Foto di un giardino bohémian davanti casa con un ingresso o sentiero e pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Irving Residents
Irving Residents
Jeffrey Gordon Smith Landscape ArchitectureJeffrey Gordon Smith Landscape Architecture
Esempio di un giardino bohémian davanti casa con fontane
Joyous Wildlife Habitat in Santa Monica
Joyous Wildlife Habitat in Santa Monica
Urban Oasis Landscape DesignUrban Oasis Landscape Design
A bubbling basalt stone fountain creates a soothing audible backdrop and is much loved by the birds and wildlife that flock to this garden which is a certified wildlife habitat.
Good Earth Water GardensGood Earth Water Gardens
Perennial hillside.
Foto di un piccolo giardino xeriscape boho chic esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in primavera con pacciame e un giardino in vaso

Giardini eclettici davanti casa - Foto e idee

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