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Giardini industriali davanti casa - Foto e idee

Miami Beach Custom Metal and Wood Gates
Miami Beach Custom Metal and Wood Gates
ADB Designs Inc.ADB Designs Inc.
Foto di un grande vialetto d'ingresso industriale esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in estate con un ingresso o sentiero e pavimentazioni in mattoni
Warehouse courtyard: Clovelly
Warehouse courtyard: Clovelly
Secret GardensSecret Gardens
Secret Gardens is regularly presented with new and challenging designs. This warehouse renovation required a complete overhaul of the internal warehouse courtyard and front entrance. Previous renovations had ‘domesticated’ the building, a poor departure from its warehouse origins. The front was given a sophisticated finish with balconies added onto bedrooms and large garage and entrance doors created with a bronze/copper finish. The internal courtyard pool was modernised, BBQ and cabinetry added and the finishing touches of plants added in pots and hanging from the beams to bring greenery to this industrial space. The end result has enhanced the warehouse appeal with a modern touch.
Modern Industrial Japanese Garden
Modern Industrial Japanese Garden
Barbara Hilty Landscape Design LLCBarbara Hilty Landscape Design LLC
Corner lot
Immagine di un giardino formale industriale in ombra di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in estate con pavimentazioni in cemento
Tennyson House - Atkinson Pontifex
Tennyson House - Atkinson Pontifex
Digital Photography InhouseDigital Photography Inhouse
Photography: Gerard Warrener, DPI Photography for Atkinson Pontifex Design, construction and landscaping: Atkinson Pontifex
Immagine di un giardino industriale esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa con pavimentazioni in cemento
Chicken Coop
Chicken Coop
Revolution LandscapeRevolution Landscape
Custom designed front yard chicken coop made of western red cedar. Plantings in the foreground include Feather Grass, multiple citrus varieties, and edible artichokes.
Center Valley, PA
Center Valley, PA
Chestnut Hill Landscape ContractorsChestnut Hill Landscape Contractors
Ispirazione per un piccolo giardino formale industriale esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in estate con un ingresso o sentiero e pavimentazioni in mattoni
Giardino Hotel di lusso
Giardino Hotel di lusso
Alberto GuallaAlberto Gualla
Giardino d'ingresso di un hotel di lusso. Abbiamo valorizzato l'ingresso con due zone di cui un'area living e un'area relax con fontana, il tutto contornato da aiuole di graminacee. L'utilizzo di materiali come il corten e il decking doneranno all'ambiente un aspetto molto naturale con colori che richiamano le fioriture autunnali. Abbiamo scelto principalmente la stipa e il miscantus per alleggerire e dare movimento al giardino.
Barton Street
Barton Street
Twenty Creek LandscapingTwenty Creek Landscaping
Esempio di un piccolo giardino industriale esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in estate con pavimentazioni in cemento
Piedmont Entry
Piedmont Entry
J. Duggan & Associates PC-Landscape ArchitectureJ. Duggan & Associates PC-Landscape Architecture
This alcove was created to offer a framed view of the pond which the ornamental grasses provide. As an added feature a small outlet was included in the wall that allowed a small flow of water into a lower basin. This was not meant to compete with the pond but rather enhance it by providing a sound, texture of water to further connect one with the pond.
House Le Roux
House Le Roux
Helét van BlerkHelét van Blerk

Ispirazione per un vialetto d'ingresso industriale davanti casa
Industrial Single Family Remodel
Industrial Single Family Remodel
Parallax Design LLCParallax Design LLC
Front yard shot looking at the home which used to be a factory.
Ispirazione per un piccolo giardino industriale esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa con fontane e pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Phoenix, Arizona | Craftsman
Phoenix, Arizona | Craftsman
Greey PickettGreey Pickett
Idee per un giardino xeriscape industriale esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in primavera con un ingresso o sentiero e ghiaia
Iron Security Fences & Gates
Iron Security Fences & Gates
Ispirazione per un giardino xeriscape industriale esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in estate con pacciame e recinzione in metallo
Front Garden
Front Garden
Apt StudiosApt Studios
This beautiful victorian terrace with original tiled paving leading to the doorway has been reinvented with positioning of Corten steel planters. These were designed to create a modern and easily maintained front garden. The bespoke design complements the tiling and echoes the red rust colour of the original brick.
Victorian Foundry
Victorian Foundry
greencube garden and landscape designgreencube garden and landscape design
Paying homage to the foundry and its history we have implemented lots of wonderful weathering corten steel in strong geometric wedges. Someone said 'its a bit rusty', we hope you like it, its a rich and developing patina that gets warmer in colour with age and works contextually with the original use of the building. We have designed a garden for a victorian foundry in Walsingham in North Norfolk converted into holiday cottages in the last decade. The foundry originally founded in 1809, making iron castings for farming industry, war casualties ended the male line and so in 1918 it was sold to the Wright family and they continued to trade until 1932, the depression caused its closure. In 1938 it was purchased by the Barnhams who made agricultural implements, pumps, firebowls, backplates, stokers, grates and ornamental fire baskets............ and so we have paid homage to the foundry and its history and implemented lots of wonderful weathering steel. The planting palette inlcudes large leafy hostas, ferns, grasses, hydrangeas and a mix of purple and yellow with a sprinkling of orange perennials.
Recycled Metal Crane Statues from Kenya
Recycled Metal Crane Statues from Kenya
Trovati StudioTrovati Studio
Each statue is handcrafted from the ground up and exhibits its own distinctive characteristics. This beautifully styled crested crane sculpture makes an unexpected addition to the home or garden. This handmade item is crafted from recycled material and is suited for both indoor and outdoor use. When used outdoors, a natural patina will develop over time. It is suggested that you treat this sculpture before use outdoors to preserve the material.
Unilock Series 3000
Unilock Series 3000
Astro MasonryAstro Masonry
Immagine di un vialetto industriale davanti casa con pavimentazioni in cemento
Mazama Meadow Guest House.  Mazama, Washington
Mazama Meadow Guest House. Mazama, Washington
Dan Nelson, Designs Northwest ArchitectsDan Nelson, Designs Northwest Architects
Metal landscape screen. Image by Stephen Brousseau.
Esempio di un giardino xeriscape industriale esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in estate con un ingresso o sentiero e pacciame
Center Valley, PA
Center Valley, PA
Chestnut Hill Landscape ContractorsChestnut Hill Landscape Contractors
Immagine di un piccolo giardino formale industriale esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in estate con un ingresso o sentiero e pavimentazioni in mattoni
Проект в стиле лофт
Проект в стиле лофт
ООО " Firmel' "ООО " Firmel' "
Idee per un piccolo giardino industriale davanti casa con un giardino in vaso

Giardini industriali davanti casa - Foto e idee

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