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Giardini scandinavi davanti casa - Foto e idee

Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Dendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung BerlinDendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung Berlin
Santolina - Heiligenkraut - Cotton Lavender Lavandula - Lavendel - Lavender Slate stepping stones in gravel light grey
Foto di un giardino xeriscape nordico esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa con un ingresso o sentiero e ghiaia
The London Gardener LtdThe London Gardener Ltd
We were asked to design and plant the driveway and gardens surrounding a substantial period property in Cobham. Our Scandinavian clients wanted a soft and natural look to the planting. We used long flowering shrubs and perennials to extend the season of flower, and combined them with a mix of beautifully textured evergreen plants to give year-round structure. We also mixed in a range of grasses for movement which also give a more contemporary look.
Модульный сад
Модульный сад
ХВОЯ ландшафтное строительствоХВОЯ ландшафтное строительство
Foto di un giardino scandinavo esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in estate con pavimentazioni in cemento e recinzione in metallo
Löwenhielm Trädgård och FormLöwenhielm Trädgård och Form
Esempio di un grande giardino formale scandinavo esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in estate con un ingresso o sentiero
Oak Studded Hills - Frontyard Terrace
Oak Studded Hills - Frontyard Terrace
Califia EcodesignCalifia Ecodesign
Working with protected California Live Oaks to construct big liveable outdoor spaces for a home-schooled family of 5
Esempio di un grande giardino xeriscape nordico esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa in estate con sassi e rocce e graniglia di granito
Game  On
Game On
Rowland+Broughton Architecture & Urban DesignRowland+Broughton Architecture & Urban Design
Ispirazione per un giardino scandinavo davanti casa con un ingresso o sentiero e pavimentazioni in cemento
Zierlauch in Gräserbeet
Zierlauch in Gräserbeet
Gartendesign HomannGartendesign Homann
Immagine di un giardino nordico di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in primavera
伊左次建築設計事務所 一級建築士事務所伊左次建築設計事務所 一級建築士事務所
千葉の平屋敷 photo by Sadayuki Saito
Idee per un vialetto d'ingresso nordico davanti casa
カントリーガーデン 石積みへ固定用のセメントは使用されていないのですが、 簡単には外れないようになっており、まさに職人技です!
Idee per un giardino nordico davanti casa
Skandinavisk Have
Skandinavisk Have
Foto di un giardino formale nordico esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in estate con pavimentazioni in cemento
Front Entry's
Front Entry's
yardscapes Inc.yardscapes Inc.
This was a front entry remodel to existing home that had done recent renovations. David Kopfmann of Yardscapes, wanted to accentuate the curves of the architecture by creating a curved small stone wall, which also tied into the front stoop. He planted traditional shrubs and plant material to add texture. A custom fountain was also fabricated out of metal, copper, and stone as a focal point.
West Cliff Residence
West Cliff Residence
Druffel Design & LandscapeDruffel Design & Landscape
This beautifully crafted bluestone walkway with sandstone trim in the Clifton neighborhood really gives a welcoming entry to the German Tudor style home.
Sweet Smiling LandscapesSweet Smiling Landscapes
Immagine di un grande giardino xeriscape scandinavo esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in primavera con sassi e rocce e ghiaia
Villa Bång
Villa Bång
Sjöberg & TherméSjöberg & Thermé
Foto di un vialetto d'ingresso nordico esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa
Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Dendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung BerlinDendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung Berlin
Verbena bonariensis - Eisenkraut - Argentinian vervain Stipa gigantea Thymus praecox Pinus mugo Santolina Lavandula Rocks Phlomis Clematis Magnolia Salvia
Scandinavian yard at the beach
Scandinavian yard at the beach
Sarita Landscape IncSarita Landscape Inc
Scandinavian yard built on a slight slope with sandy soil. A concrete driveway was poured with dark grey concrete and white gravel. It includes a small grass play area, planters made out of CorTen steen, a wood deck entrance and a succulent wall.
デザインアース エクステリア&ガーデンデザインアース エクステリア&ガーデン
Esempio di un giardino scandinavo davanti casa con recinzione in legno
株式会社森芳楽園 / 四季時計株式会社森芳楽園 / 四季時計
Ispirazione per un vialetto d'ingresso scandinavo esposto in pieno sole davanti casa
Mike's Hammock
Mike's Hammock
Josh Wynne ConstructionJosh Wynne Construction
I built this on my property for my aging father who has some health issues. Handicap accessibility was a factor in design. His dream has always been to try retire to a cabin in the woods. This is what he got. It is a 1 bedroom, 1 bath with a great room. It is 600 sqft of AC space. The footprint is 40' x 26' overall. The site was the former home of our pig pen. I only had to take 1 tree to make this work and I planted 3 in its place. The axis is set from root ball to root ball. The rear center is aligned with mean sunset and is visible across a wetland. The goal was to make the home feel like it was floating in the palms. The geometry had to simple and I didn't want it feeling heavy on the land so I cantilevered the structure beyond exposed foundation walls. My barn is nearby and it features old 1950's "S" corrugated metal panel walls. I used the same panel profile for my siding. I ran it vertical to match the barn, but also to balance the length of the structure and stretch the high point into the canopy, visually. The wood is all Southern Yellow Pine. This material came from clearing at the Babcock Ranch Development site. I ran it through the structure, end to end and horizontally, to create a seamless feel and to stretch the space. It worked. It feels MUCH bigger than it is. I milled the material to specific sizes in specific areas to create precise alignments. Floor starters align with base. Wall tops adjoin ceiling starters to create the illusion of a seamless board. All light fixtures, HVAC supports, cabinets, switches, outlets, are set specifically to wood joints. The front and rear porch wood has three different milling profiles so the hypotenuse on the ceilings, align with the walls, and yield an aligned deck board below. Yes, I over did it. It is spectacular in its detailing. That's the benefit of small spaces. Concrete counters and IKEA cabinets round out the conversation. For those who cannot live tiny, I offer the Tiny-ish House. Photos by Ryan Gamma Staging by iStage Homes Design Assistance Jimmy Thornton
stage Y's 一級建築士事務所stage Y's 一級建築士事務所
stage39 作庭家:福田義勝 Photo by:後藤健治
Idee per un giardino nordico esposto in pieno sole davanti casa con un ingresso o sentiero e pavimentazioni in mattoni

Giardini scandinavi davanti casa - Foto e idee

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