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Camere da Letto vittoriane - Foto e idee per arredare

Charlie Ilett Interior DesignCharlie Ilett Interior Design
Immagine di una camera da letto vittoriana
Victorian Addition & Renovation
Victorian Addition & Renovation
Keller/Eaton ArchitectsKeller/Eaton Architects
Immagine di una camera matrimoniale vittoriana con pareti bianche e pavimento grigio
Dartmouth Lodge House
Dartmouth Lodge House
View from Guest Bedroom in a fully renovated Lodge House in the Strawberry Hill Gothic Style. c1883 Warfleet Creek, Dartmouth, South Devon. Colin Cadle Photography, Photo Styling by Jan Cadle
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Manian Residence
Manian Residence
James Glover Home, Inc.James Glover Home, Inc.
Ispirazione per una camera da letto vittoriana con pareti beige e parquet scuro
SV DesignSV Design
The client admired this Victorian home from afar for many years before purchasing it. The extensive rehabilitation restored much of the house to its original style and grandeur; interior spaces were transformed in function while respecting the elaborate details of the era. A new kitchen, breakfast area, study and baths make the home fully functional and comfortably livable. Photo Credit: Sam Gray
Astor Courts
Astor Courts
PBDW ArchitectsPBDW Architects
John Hall
Ispirazione per una camera matrimoniale vittoriana con pareti beige e parquet scuro
Greystone Mansion
Greystone Mansion
Woodson & Rummerfield's House of DesignWoodson & Rummerfield's House of Design
Esempio di una camera da letto vittoriana con pareti rosa
A modern colonial escapade
A modern colonial escapade
Concepto StudioConcepto Studio
Inspired by the European style of design, yet minimalistic and modern", was the client brief provided to the principal architects of Concepto Studio -- Edwin and Esha Stanley. A functional layout that revels in artworks and eclectic flourishes was another prerequisite provided by the homeowners. Adhering to these specifications, the decor scheme across this 2,800-square-foot apartment is described by purpose and uniqueness. While design projects often come with challenges and restrictions, this project managed to navigate these obstacles seamlessly. No significant design challenges or restrictions were encountered, allowing for a smooth execution of the envisioned design. The project has been envisaged in an elegant design scheme abounding in neutral colour tones and sparse furniture. The abode has three bedrooms, a living room, a dining area, a kitchen, and a captivating foyer. While the third bedroom lacks visual documentation, its design was integral to the plan. The layout and spatial planning are meticulously devised and adhere to the minimalistic vision while ensuring functional zoning and efficient circulation patterns. This approach gave rise to a design that is aesthetically pleasing and practical.
Romantic bedroom
Romantic bedroom
Ti DesigneTi Designe
Idee per una grande camera da letto vittoriana
black and cosy
black and cosy
Esempio di una piccola camera matrimoniale vittoriana con pareti nere, pavimento in legno verniciato e boiserie
Victorian Estate
Victorian Estate
Ashby CollectiveAshby Collective
Esempio di una camera da letto vittoriana di medie dimensioni con pareti multicolore, parquet scuro, pavimento marrone, soffitto in carta da parati e carta da parati
Full Victorian Refurbishment
Full Victorian Refurbishment
P&A - Design and BuildP&A - Design and Build
Esempio di una camera degli ospiti vittoriana di medie dimensioni con pareti verdi, moquette, camino classico, cornice del camino in legno e pavimento beige
Harry Potter Guest Room
Harry Potter Guest Room
Mike PadillaMike Padilla
Idee per una camera da letto vittoriana
Victorian Bedroom
Victorian Bedroom
Immagine di una grande camera matrimoniale vittoriana con pareti verdi, pavimento marrone e pavimento in legno massello medio
Vasagatan 33
Vasagatan 33
Ispirazione per una camera da letto vittoriana
St. Rafael Villa
St. Rafael Villa
Daria Boston Design StudioDaria Boston Design Studio
Ispirazione per una camera matrimoniale vittoriana di medie dimensioni con pareti beige, pavimento in laminato e pavimento beige
Residential Project.
Residential Project.
Idee per una camera da letto vittoriana con pareti bianche e pavimento grigio

Camere da Letto vittoriane - Foto e idee per arredare

Columbia Victorian
Columbia Victorian
Bellingham Bay BuildersBellingham Bay Builders
After many years of careful consideration and planning, these clients came to us with the goal of restoring this home’s original Victorian charm while also increasing its livability and efficiency. From preserving the original built-in cabinetry and fir flooring, to adding a new dormer for the contemporary master bathroom, careful measures were taken to strike this balance between historic preservation and modern upgrading. Behind the home’s new exterior claddings, meticulously designed to preserve its Victorian aesthetic, the shell was air sealed and fitted with a vented rainscreen to increase energy efficiency and durability. With careful attention paid to the relationship between natural light and finished surfaces, the once dark kitchen was re-imagined into a cheerful space that welcomes morning conversation shared over pots of coffee. Every inch of this historical home was thoughtfully considered, prompting countless shared discussions between the home owners and ourselves. The stunning result is a testament to their clear vision and the collaborative nature of this project. Photography by Radley Muller Photography Design by Deborah Todd Building Design Services
Fiona Campbell DesignFiona Campbell Design
Immagine di una camera da letto vittoriana con pareti blu, moquette e pavimento beige
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