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Are the columns connected?

5 anni fa
So they can be stacked vertically with dowels, but are the 3 columns connected at all on the sides? I want to use 2 full units as legs and add a top to make a sturdy and safe craft desk. So, I need to know if all 9 cubes are connected or just 3 sets of 3 cubes connected vertically. Thanks!
Eco-friendly Stackable 9-Cube Storage in White · Maggiori informazioni

Commento (1)

  • PRO
    5 anni fa

    Hi Kelly, thanks for your interest and question with Way Basics. The cubes are connect as 3 sets vertically but you can always connect the columns together using 3M double sided adhesive. We really like this item here for securing the cubes together to prevent any sliding around. We also recommend anchoring to the wall to prevent any accidental tipping. Let me know anything else I can assist with. Have a great day!



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