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Imprese di ristrutturazione di cucine a Bell Post Hill

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Bell Post Hill / 50 km
115 di 25 professionisti
25 professionisti

Recensioni in evidenza per Imprese di ristrutturazione di cucine a Bell Post Hill

Frank's Interior Designs
Imprese di ristrutturazione di cucine a Bell Post Hill
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle28 agosto 2020
“Farooq is very experienced in interior designing. We had to put 2 extra doors in our property, which have been done to perfection as similar to existing work. He did a excellent job with doors and shelf’s in walk-in wadrobe, with very reasonable price. Would prefer to have a qoute if any carpentery work needed at home.”
Barbara Allen Kitchen Designs
Imprese di ristrutturazione di cucine a Bell Post Hill
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle24 luglio 2016
“My wife and I decided to renovate our home and part of the renovation was to have a new kitchen and Butlers Pantry bulit, 100% new. A friend of ours recommended Barbara Allen Kitchen designs and we were very impressed. Barbara shared many of her experiences which included really great innovative ideas just what we were looking for because we had no idea where to start and how to make the kitchen one that which would not age and last for many years. Barbara suggested positioning of and finishes for bench tops, doors, drawers, handles, glass doors, bins, shelving, door types and frames even right to which side the kitchen sink drainer should be on. We were absolutely delighted with the outcome and the Kitchen 4 years on still feels like it has just been put in. We have not once said I wish we had this or that all is just perfect for us and our family. The kitchen works great for when multiple people are in it working and preparing with plenty of room. Thank you Barbara!!”
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