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Foto di un patio o portico tradizionale
Van Zelst Inc
Van Zelst Inc
Valutazione media: 4.9 di 5 stelle84 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Winnekta, IL Residence (B)

The geometric lines of the home and formal gardens are repeated rhythmically throughout the landscape. Bluestone steps, supported by fieldstone slabs, mirror the angles and proportions of the home's architecture, and create a continuous line with a fieldstone wall and hedge made of boxwood shrubs. In this setting, (bluestone/)natural stone steps and a natural rock wall allow the garden design to maximize the existing contours of the landscape. Leading from the home and outdoor dining room to the pool and entertaining areas, these broad, low exterior bluestone/stone steps are easily navigated and don't require a railing. The effect is a bluestone stairway that feels modern and elegant, and reflects the formal garden style seen throughout the landscape. Photo by Linda Oyama Bryan

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annapeach lo ha aggiunto a Landscaping21 ottobre 2020

love shallow steps. Color good - like large size of tiles

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