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Esempio di una grande cameretta per bambini da 4 a 10 anni classica con pareti rosa, moquette e pavimento multicolore
Elza B. Design, Inc.
Elza B. Design, Inc.
Valutazione media: 4.9 di 5 stelle37 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

The Newton Home: An Elegant Family Affair

A busy family moves to a new home stuck in the 90's in metro Boston and requests a full refresh and renovation. Lots of family friendly materials and finishes are used. Some areas feel more modern, others have more of a transitional flair. Elegance is not impossible in a family home, as this project illustrates. Spaces are designed and used for adults and kids. For example the family room doubles as a kids craft room, but also houses a piano and guitars, a library and a sitting area for parents to hang out with their children. The living room is family friendly with a stain resistant sectional sofa, large TV screen but also houses refined decor, a wet bar, and sophisticated seating. The entry foyer offers bins to throw shoes in, and the dining room has an indoor outdoor rug that can be hosed down as needed! The master bedroom is a romantic, transitional space. Photography: Michael J Lee
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