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Idee per un'ampia piscina naturale tropicale personalizzata dietro casa con fontane e pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Van Kirk & Sons Pools and Spas
Van Kirk & Sons Pools and Spas
Valutazione media: 4.1 di 5 stelle33 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Rock Waterfall for Extreme Resort Lagoon in Deerfield Beach, Florida

Paradise can be just a simple trip to your backyard. That is exactly what this customer asked for! This custom, rock waterfall is complimented with a slide and easy access for the best cannonballs. The waterfall acts as one to two islands that are surrounded by a 2mph lazy river. The second island is meant for a more relaxing appeal; this pool is truly the best of both worlds. An extended sundeck creates ample room for those who choose to pay out and work on their tan. While the LED lights throughout the pool create a beautiful cobalt glow that lasts all night. This is the ultimate getaway pool that will create years of entertainment for young and old.
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