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Foto di un giardino rustico esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e dietro casa con pedane e recinzione in legno

River Retreat

Our featured project. Although we are now based in South Florida and have spent the past year setting up our company here with industry leaders. This is our very own retreat that we built from scratch in Ireland. Now one of the country's most popular Airbnb that features traditional barrel saunas, hot tubs, and spring water plunge pools in an idyllic private enclosure. Guests love the retreat for its amenities and privacy where they get to immerse themselves in nature and completely switch off from the outside world. We have been given the opportunity to build these retreats for private clients in the USA, if you have space and you are conscious about your health and well-being then please give us a call - 561 284 1590, we are now permanently based in Florida and will be available for site visits and consultations
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