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Ispirazione per la facciata di una casa tropicale
Cooper Johnson Smith Architects and Town Planners
Cooper Johnson Smith Architects and Town Planners
Valutazione media: 4.8 di 5 stelle5 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Purdum Residence

The architectural vocabulary draws upon British Colonial precedents in the West Indies with masonry-stucco walls, a standing seam metal hip roof with a kick at the eaves, a wooden balcony supported by wood brackets on the more public street facade, and a wooden gallery atop hefty masonry columns framed with wood brackets on the more private waterfront façade. These features have been developed and refined over hundreds of years to accommodate comfortable living in the Caribbean and have evolved into a living tradition of beautiful vernacular architecture that is, as a result, truly sustainable. The covered outdoor spaces in conjunction with the protected courts, deep overhangs and operable wood shutters provide a sustainable home that respects the context and climate, maximizes energy-efficiency and minimizes environmental impact. The simple massing and layout of this house with its simple and flexible spaces can accommodate many different family types and lifestyles and can even change uses as market demands change over time. These characteristics together with a timeless elegance and beauty support the firmness, commodity and delight required for truly sustainable living.
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