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Immagine di una grande sala da pranzo chic con pavimento in legno massello medio, camino bifacciale e cornice del camino in pietra
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New England Stone Fireplace and Stone Oven at Copper Door Restaurant

Copper Door® restaurant located in Bedford, NH, has an amazingly warm feeling of home from the minute you walk in. "A mix of high-end materials were used to build a restaurant that is warm, elegant and inviting, as if you were inside someone's beautiful home," said designer Dana Boucher of Breath of Fresh Art. Rich textures, wood beam ceilings, and a New England stone fireplace greet you upon entering. A mix of three different products were used for the perfect blend of colors and shapes. Boston Blend Ledgestone, Boston Blend Ashlar, and Greenwich Gray Ledgestone create a look that is not too modern and not too rustic. But they didn't stop there. A stone oven in the open-concept kitchen allows the chef to get creative with one-of-a-kind dishes. Mitered corners were used on the 45-degree angles. The same blend of colors and shapes that was used on the fireplace was also used on the stone oven. Photographer: Eric Barry Photography Mason: Prime Masonry of Nashua, NH GC: Fulcrum Associates of Amherst, NH Architect: Dignard Architectural of New Boston, NH Stoneyard Dealer: Hudson Quarry of Hudson, NH
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