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Esempio di una cameretta da letto chic con pareti grigie, moquette e pavimento grigio
DHD Architecture and Interior Design
DHD Architecture and Interior Design
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Montgomery Place Townhouse

Montgomery Place Townhouse The unique and exclusive property on Montgomery Place, located between Eighth Avenue and Prospect Park West, was designed in 1898 by the architecture firm Babb, Cook & Willard. It contains an expansive seven bedrooms, five bathrooms, and two powder rooms. The firm was simultaneously working on the East 91st Street Andrew Carnegie Mansion during the period, and ensured the 30.5’ wide limestone at Montgomery Place would boast landmark historic details, including six fireplaces, an original Otis elevator, and a grand spiral staircase running across the four floors. After a two and half year renovation, which had modernized the home – adding five skylights, a wood burning fireplace, an outfitted butler’s kitchen and Waterworks fixtures throughout – the landmark mansion was sold in 2014. DHD Architecture and Interior Design were hired by the buyers, a young family who had moved from their Tribeca Loft, to further renovate and create a fresh, modern home, without compromising the structure’s historic features. The interiors were designed with a chic, bold, yet warm aesthetic in mind, mixing vibrant palettes into livable spaces. Photography: Guillaume Gaudet www.guillaumegaudet.com © DHD / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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J Pitt Interiors lo ha aggiunto a Cutting Rd6 ottobre 2020


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