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Immagine di una sala da pranzo aperta verso il soggiorno stile marinaro di medie dimensioni con pareti blu, pavimento in legno massello medio e nessun camino
CM Natural Designs
CM Natural Designs
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle30 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

La Jolla Beach Cottage

This adorable beach cottage is in the heart of the village of La Jolla in San Diego. The goals were to brighten up the space and be the perfect beach get-away for the client whose permanent residence is in Arizona. Some of the ways we achieved the goals was to place an extra high custom board and batten in the great room and by refinishing the kitchen cabinets (which were in excellent shape) white. We created interest through extreme proportions and contrast. Though there are a lot of white elements, they are all offset by a smaller portion of very dark elements. We also played with texture and pattern through wallpaper, natural reclaimed wood elements and rugs. This was all kept in balance by using a simplified color palate minimal layering. I am so grateful for this client as they were extremely trusting and open to ideas. To see what the space looked like before the remodel you can go to the gallery page of the website www.cmnaturaldesigns.com Photography by: Chipper Hatter

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Paul and Kindra Stockebrand lo ha aggiunto a Windows + Trim27 luglio 2023

High WS - only frame lower window ?

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