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Idee per la villa marrone tropicale a due piani di medie dimensioni con rivestimento in legno, tetto a padiglione e copertura a scandole
Mountain + Beach Interiors - Schonewill Int'l
Mountain + Beach Interiors - Schonewill Int'l
Valutazione media: 4.9 di 5 stelle13 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Kuau point - north shore Maui beach front home

This three building property has the main house directly on the ocean front - wrapped in windows and sliding doors to open the wrapping decks wide open to the salt air and north shore waves. The master suite is on the second level-living room and kitchen and outdoor bath and shower on the first level. The building just behind is a guest home-an office-and additional living room and large kitchen adjacent to a garage with a sail loft for sail making and a kiln room for Debbie's amazing art and pottery.
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