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Idee per un grande giardino xeriscape contemporaneo esposto a mezz'ombra nel cortile laterale con pavimentazioni in cemento
Cheng Design
Cheng Design
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle3 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

House 7- Los Altos Hills

Fu-Tung Cheng, CHENG Design • View of Exterior Side of Concrete and Wood house, House 7 House 7, named the "Concrete Village Home", is Cheng Design's seventh custom home project. With inspiration of a "small village" home, this project brings in dwellings of different size and shape that support and intertwine with one another. Featuring a sculpted, concrete geological wall, pleated butterfly roof, and rainwater installations, House 7 exemplifies an interconnectedness and energetic relationship between home and the natural elements. Photography: Matthew Millman
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