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Foto di una lavanderia multiuso contemporanea di medie dimensioni con lavello sottopiano, ante in stile shaker, ante nere, top in quarzo composito, pareti bianche e lavatrice e asciugatrice affiancate
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Fresh and Modern Renovation

Our clients wanted a modern mountain getaway that would combine their gorgeous mountain surroundings with contemporary finishes. To highlight the stunning cathedral ceilings, we decided to take the natural stone on the fireplace from floor to ceiling. The dark wood mantle adds a break for the eye, and ties in the views of surrounding trees. Our clients wanted a complete facelift for their kitchen, and this started with removing the excess of dark wood on the ceiling, walls, and cabinets. Opening a larger picture window helps in bringing the outdoors in, and contrasting white and black cabinets create a fresh and modern feel. --- Project designed by Montecito interior designer Margarita Bravo. She serves Montecito as well as surrounding areas such as Hope Ranch, Summerland, Santa Barbara, Isla Vista, Mission Canyon, Carpinteria, Goleta, Ojai, Los Olivos, and Solvang. For more about MARGARITA BRAVO, click here: https://www.margaritabravo.com/ To learn more about this project, click here: https://www.margaritabravo.com/portfolio/colorado-nature-inspired-getaway/
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