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Esempio di un soggiorno minimal di medie dimensioni e stile loft con pareti bianche, parquet chiaro, cornice del camino in mattoni, soffitto a volta e pareti in mattoni
Beacham Architects
Beacham Architects
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle8 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

East London Loft Apartment

The existing property was a Victorian Abrahams First Floor Apartment with 2 bedrooms. The proposal includes a loft extension with two bedrooms and a shower room, a rear first floor roof terrace and a full refurbishment and fit-out. Our role was for a full architectural services including planning, tender, construction oversight. We collaborated with specialist joiners for the interior design during construction. The client wanted to do something special at the property, and the design for the living space manages that by creating a double height space with the eaves space above that would otherwise be dead-space or used for storage. The kitchen is linked to the new terrace and garden as well as the living space creating a great flor to the apartment. The master bedroom looks over the living space with shutters so it can also be closed off. The old elements such as the double height chimney breast and the new elements such as the staircase and mezzanine contrast to give more gravitas to the original features.
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