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Double Wide Tide Outdoor Chaise

For sunbathing or lounging the simplistic, modern design of the double wide Tide chaise lounge is a perfect fit for patio, poolside or deck. Its firm appearance belies the soft cushiony comfort you experience when you sit down. The interior is made of polymeric structural foam and layers of cushioning foam that are covered in a waterproof membrane made of marine grade vinyl. The vinyl has a slightly textured surface that gives it the appearance of real leather. Its firm appearance belies the soft cushiony comfort you experience when you sit down. It is stain, fungal and mildew resistant and cleans easily with soap and water. The outer cover is removable and easily replaceable with a new cover as it ages or if it is ever damaged. The Wave is a leg-stretching comfortable 78'' in long. It weighs only 45 lbs so it is easily moved around. Materials used in construction are 95% recyclable.

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WoodSun lo ha aggiunto a Идеи пользователя Тупальский7 ottobre 2021


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