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Ispirazione per una grande terrazza stile americano dietro casa e al primo piano con nessuna copertura e parapetto in materiali misti
Orange County Deck Co.
Orange County Deck Co.
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle4 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Custom Deck @ Dusk

It started with a phone call inquiring about doing a basic deck remodel. When Chris Kehoe arrived on site to learn more about the home layout, budget, and timeline for the homeowners, it became clear that there was far more to the story. The family was looking for more than just a deck replacement. They were looking to rebuild an outdoor living space that fit lifestyle. There was so much more than what you can input into a contact form that they were considering when reaching out to Orange County Deck Co. They were picturing their dream outdoor living space, which included: - an inviting pool area - stunning hardscape to separate spaces - a secure, maintenance-free second level deck to improve home flow - space under the deck that could double as hosting space with cover - beautiful landscaping to enjoy while they sipped their glass of wine at sunset
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