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Cucine ad U con top in legno - Foto e idee per arredare

Белая кухня
Белая кухня
Esempio di una cucina design con lavello a vasca singola, ante lisce, ante bianche, top in legno, paraspruzzi beige, paraspruzzi a finestra, elettrodomestici neri, pavimento in cemento, penisola, pavimento grigio e top beige
Residence in California
Residence in California
Taylor Lombardo ArchitectsTaylor Lombardo Architects
Adrian Gregorutti
Foto di una cucina classica con elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile, top in legno, ante bianche, ante in stile shaker, paraspruzzi a effetto metallico, paraspruzzi con piastrelle di metallo, lavello sottopiano e parquet scuro
Classic White Kitchen
Classic White Kitchen
House of LHouse of L
In the design stages many details were incorporated in this classic kitchen to give it dimension since the surround cabinets, counters and backsplash were white. Polished nickel plumbing, hardware and custom grilles on feature cabinets along with the island pendants add shine, while finer details such as inset doors, furniture kicks on non-working areas and lofty crown details add a layering effect in the millwork. Surround counters as well as 3" x 6" backsplash tile are Calacutta Gold stone, while island counter surface is walnut. Conveniences include a 60" Wolf range, a 36" Subzero refrigerator and freezer and two farmhouse sinks by Kallista. The kitchen also boasts two dishwashers (one in the island and one to the right of the sink cabinet under the window) and a coffee bar area with a built-in Miele. Photo by Pete Maric.
KuDa PhotographyKuDa Photography
Designed by Rod Graham and Gilyn McKelligon. Photo by KuDa Photography
Immagine di una cucina country con nessun'anta, ante blu, top in legno, paraspruzzi bianco, parquet chiaro, nessuna isola, pavimento beige e elettrodomestici da incasso
Transitional Kitchen
Transitional Kitchen
Idee per una cucina ad U tradizionale con ante in stile shaker, ante bianche, paraspruzzi bianco, paraspruzzi con piastrelle diamantate, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile e top in legno
Raini Peters - Interior Design & StylingRaini Peters - Interior Design & Styling
Made from FSC Certified solid wood oak kitchen full custom design U shaped kitchen. Marble benchtops flow to the ceiling. Brush brass skirting boards with seamless push to open doors. Eco friendly natrual vegatable oil light grey flooring high quaitly seamless alternative. Matt black power coated slide to open kitchen windows.
Двухкомнатная квартира, 77 м кв
Двухкомнатная квартира, 77 м кв
Ispirazione per una cucina minimal di medie dimensioni con ante lisce, ante grigie, top in legno, paraspruzzi in gres porcellanato, elettrodomestici neri, pavimento in gres porcellanato, pavimento beige e top beige
Award Winning Kitchen Remodel
Award Winning Kitchen Remodel
GMT Home Designs Inc.GMT Home Designs Inc.
The original kitchen was dark and lacked storage space. It was cut off from the rest of the house and needed an update. We removed the wall between the dining room and kitchen and bumped the kitchen out in the rear of the house. We created lots of storage, a new island with seating and added windows bringing in much needed natural light. The kitchen is now a hub of activity for the whole family.
Offene Küche mit Kochinsel
Offene Küche mit Kochinsel
Neue Räume - Die Küchen SchreinerNeue Räume - Die Küchen Schreiner
Weisse Küche mit geölter Eichenholzarbeitsplatte auf der Kücheninsel und weißer Laminat Arbeitsplatte auf der Küchenzeile. Maximaler Stauraum durch deckenhohe Schränke und integriertem Durchgang in die Speisekammer. Weiße, grifflose Fronten aus Birkenschichtholz mit durchgefärbtem Laminat.
South Finley Rd. Kitchen
South Finley Rd. Kitchen
J Kennedy DesignJ Kennedy Design
Ispirazione per una grande cucina design con elettrodomestici da incasso, top in legno, ante bianche, paraspruzzi beige, lavello sottopiano, ante in stile shaker, paraspruzzi con piastrelle in ceramica, pavimento in legno massello medio, pavimento marrone e struttura in muratura
Biscayne Blvd
Biscayne Blvd
Kitchen Miami StudioKitchen Miami Studio
488 Laquer Premium honed matte white; Anti finger print
Immagine di una cucina minimalista di medie dimensioni con lavello stile country, ante a filo, ante bianche, top in legno, elettrodomestici neri e top marrone
Rehform TischlereiRehform Tischlerei
Ein Beispiel für eine Sonderlösung: das Kaffeeregal. Hier ist Platz für eine schicke Siebträgermaschine mit Kaffeemühle und Zubehör. Die Regalbretter daneben sind aus Eiche gefertigt und unsichtbar aufgehangen. Für Beleuchtung ist auch gesorgt: unter dem ersten Regalbrett ist flächenbündig ein dimmbares LED-Band eingelassen.
Clamart 4P VEFA TMA
Clamart 4P VEFA TMA
I F RénovationI F Rénovation
La cuisine depuis la salle à manger. Nous avons créé le muret et la verrière en forme de "L", le faux plafond avec son bandeau LED et ses 3 spots cylindriques sur le bar, la cuisine de toutes pièces et la belle crédence.
Modern, Masculine Craftsman
Modern, Masculine Craftsman
Kelly Martin InteriorsKelly Martin Interiors
A bold, masculine kitchen remodel in a Craftsman style home. We went dark and bold on the cabinet color and let the rest remain bright and airy to balance it out.
Mill District Residence
Mill District Residence
Studio ArchitectsStudio Architects
Idee per una cucina industriale con ante con riquadro incassato, ante nere, top in legno, paraspruzzi bianco, paraspruzzi con piastrelle diamantate, elettrodomestici neri e pavimento in cemento
Sommerhus på Bornholm
Sommerhus på Bornholm
Arkitekt Joachim BerghArkitekt Joachim Bergh
Esempio di una cucina nordica chiusa con lavello da incasso, ante con riquadro incassato, ante in legno scuro, top in legno, paraspruzzi bianco, elettrodomestici da incasso, pavimento in legno massello medio, pavimento marrone, top marrone, soffitto in perlinato e soffitto a volta
King's Point Update
King's Point Update
Defined by DesignDefined by Design
Idee per una grande cucina stile rurale con lavello stile country, ante lisce, ante verdi, top in legno, paraspruzzi grigio, paraspruzzi con piastrelle diamantate, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile, pavimento in legno massello medio, pavimento marrone, top marrone e travi a vista
Katarina MijicKatarina Mijic
Une cuisine qui se cache dans la niche grise. Les meubles de cuisine sont en bois foncé et le bleu Melleville accordé au motif géométrique du sol. Les tabourets et le bar sont fait en acier brut verni et le bois massif foncé.
Реализованный проект для семьи из трех человек в ЖК Перспектива, г.Казань
Реализованный проект для семьи из трех человек в ЖК Перспектива, г.Казань
Студия дизайна интерьера Кристины АртебякинойСтудия дизайна интерьера Кристины Артебякиной
Idee per una piccola cucina ad U design con ante con riquadro incassato, ante blu, top in legno, paraspruzzi bianco, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile, parquet scuro, penisola, pavimento marrone, top beige e lavello da incasso
Maison basse consommation à St-Julien-en-Born
Maison basse consommation à St-Julien-en-Born
Sauger ArchitectesSauger Architectes
Ispirazione per una cucina country con ante lisce, ante in legno chiaro, top in legno, pavimento in travertino, lavello a doppia vasca, penisola e pavimento beige

Cucine ad U con top in legno - Foto e idee per arredare

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