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Bordi Prato grandi - Foto e idee

Elbow Valley
Elbow Valley
Twisted Rock Terrascape & Design, Inc.Twisted Rock Terrascape & Design, Inc.
Here the native Elbow Valley grass, that we hydroseeded, meets the sod areas with a simple mowers transition.
Esempio di un grande bordo prato classico dietro casa con pavimentazioni in cemento
LaurelRock Company: High Meadow Farm
LaurelRock Company: High Meadow Farm
Neil Landino. Design Credit: Stephen Stimson Associates
Idee per un grande giardino design esposto in pieno sole con un pendio, una collina o una riva e pavimentazioni in cemento
Woodland Hills 2-Story Home - Landscape Design & Build
Woodland Hills 2-Story Home - Landscape Design & Build
M&R Gardening Inc.M&R Gardening Inc.
Foto di un grande giardino moderno esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in estate con un ingresso o sentiero, sassi e rocce e pavimentazioni in cemento
Landscaping Projects
Landscaping Projects
Double N LandscapingDouble N Landscaping
Ispirazione per un grande giardino tradizionale esposto in pieno sole dietro casa con sassi di fiume e recinzione in legno
Resort Style in the backyard
Resort Style in the backyard
Alderwood Landscape Architecture and ConstructionAlderwood Landscape Architecture and Construction
Ispirazione per un grande giardino design dietro casa con pacciame
Southwest Swale Way - Front Entry Landscaping
Southwest Swale Way - Front Entry Landscaping
Native Edge LandscapeNative Edge Landscape
The existing excavated limestone boulders were strategically repositioned to not only serve as functional components but also as visually striking features to the modified design of the dry creek pathways and planted areas. The trees are viewed as an opportunity to utilize dark Whittlesey mulch to provide contrast, water retention, and tie in to other defined beds and oak clusters on the property. The front walk is comprised of sawn limestone pavers surrounded by crushed limestone rock mulch and accented by river rock dry creek bed that follows through to the backyard. The pavers lead down to a poured-in-place concrete path that grants access to outdoor utilities and matches the driveway seamlessly.
River Rock Pathway
River Rock Pathway
Landscapes by TerraLandscapes by Terra
A mixture of hard edges with the river rock and soft accents with the greenery and mulch makes this landscape the best of both worlds.
Immagine di un grande giardino classico esposto in pieno sole dietro casa con sassi di fiume
Artificial Grass, Paving Stones & Curved Steel Garden Edging
Artificial Grass, Paving Stones & Curved Steel Garden Edging
Eco LawnEco Lawn
A simple yet beautiful example of how artificial grass combined with stepping stones and corten steel edging can transform the landscape of a home. ** 100% usable all year round ** Permeable (free-draining) ** Pet friendly (robust and easy to manage bacteria and odour). ** Child-friendly (Non-toxic and soft-fall rated).
The Secret Garden (Oakville, ON)
The Secret Garden (Oakville, ON)
Partridge Fine Landscapes Ltd.Partridge Fine Landscapes Ltd.
With the goal of enhancing the connection between interior and exterior, backyard and side yard, and natural and man-made features, Partridge Fine Landscapes Ltd. drew on nature for inspiration. We worked around one of Oakville’s largest oak trees introducing curved braces and sculpted ends to an organic patio enhanced with wild bed lines tamed by a flagstone mowing strip. The result is a subtle layering of elements where each element effortlessly blends into the next. Linear structures bordered by manicured lawn and carefully planned perennials delineate the start of a dynamic and unbridled space. Pathways casually direct your steps to and from the pool area while the gentle murmur of the waterfall enhances the pervading peace of this outdoor sanctuary.
Écrin au coeur des Alpilles
Écrin au coeur des Alpilles
Agence MORVANT & MOINGEON Paysagistes ConcepteursAgence MORVANT & MOINGEON Paysagistes Concepteurs
Photographe : Gabrielle Voinot
Idee per un grande bordo prato mediterraneo esposto in pieno sole davanti casa con ghiaia
huntington harbour waterfront contemporary
huntington harbour waterfront contemporary
Moss Yaw Design studioMoss Yaw Design studio
corten steel planter and gravel bed for streetside exterior drought-tolerant landscaping
Foto di un grande giardino etnico esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa con sassi di fiume e recinzione in metallo
IdealMow Meadow
IdealMow Meadow
FormLA LandscapingFormLA Landscaping
The garden isn't completely lawn-free. It hosts an IdealMow lawn of native Dune Sedge. It thrives with no chemical fertilizers or pesticides and uses only 20 percent of the water required by a turf grass lawn. A "smart" subsurface, hydrozoned drip irrigation system on weather based controllers delivers exactly what the hydrozoned foliage needs, right to its roots. This aids foliage health and eliminates water loss to evaporation. To keep its lawn-like appearance, the grass needs mowing only a few times a year. If left to grow, it forms true-green waves.
Цветник у въезда на участок.
Цветник у въезда на участок.
Ландшафтная мастерская Алены АрсеньевойЛандшафтная мастерская Алены Арсеньевой
Цветник с декоративными кустарниками и многолетними цветами и злаковыми травами - подчеркивает парадную зону входа. Автор проекта: Алена Арсеньева. Реализация проекта и ведение работ - Владимир Чичмарь
Florida Landscaping design done to renovate dated landscaping . Upgraded landscaping lighting with traditional bronze fixtures. Our landscape combines plants with different textures to create an intriguing natural effect.
Landscaping Services | Design & Build
Landscaping Services | Design & Build
Roots Landscaping Corp.Roots Landscaping Corp.
Immagine di un grande giardino minimal esposto in pieno sole dietro casa in estate con un giardino in vaso, un ingresso o sentiero, un muro di contenimento e pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Paus GartendesignPaus Gartendesign
Esempio di un grande bordo prato country esposto a mezz'ombra dietro casa in estate con pavimentazioni in cemento
El Pomar Residence
El Pomar Residence
Andrew Goodwin DesignsAndrew Goodwin Designs
Foto di un grande giardino moderno nel cortile laterale con graniglia di granito
Natural Landscaping
Natural Landscaping
Conscious Environments Inc.Conscious Environments Inc.
A simple lawn and landscape is delineated with garden walls built out of a recycled concrete patio. Concrete mow curbs separate lawn from landscape and integrated natural boulders add to the visual interest of this garden.
Landscaping Projects
Landscaping Projects
Double N LandscapingDouble N Landscaping
Idee per un grande giardino esposto in pieno sole dietro casa con sassi di fiume e recinzione in legno
Florida Landscaping design done to renovate dated landscaping . Upgraded landscaping lighting with traditional bronze fixtures. Our landscape combines plants with different textures to create an intriguing natural effect.

Bordi Prato grandi - Foto e idee

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