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Foto di un grande giardino american style esposto in pieno sole davanti casa con sassi di fiume
Native Edge Landscape
Native Edge Landscape
Valutazione media: 4.5 di 5 stelle62 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Southwest Swale Way - Front Entry Landscaping

The existing excavated limestone boulders were strategically repositioned to not only serve as functional components but also as visually striking features to the modified design of the dry creek pathways and planted areas. The trees are viewed as an opportunity to utilize dark Whittlesey mulch to provide contrast, water retention, and tie in to other defined beds and oak clusters on the property. The front walk is comprised of sawn limestone pavers surrounded by crushed limestone rock mulch and accented by river rock dry creek bed that follows through to the backyard. The pavers lead down to a poured-in-place concrete path that grants access to outdoor utilities and matches the driveway seamlessly.
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