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Ispirazione per una piccola cucina classica con lavello sottopiano, ante in stile shaker, ante in legno chiaro, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile, parquet chiaro, pavimento marrone e top bianco
Cabinet Joint
Cabinet Joint
Valutazione media: 4.8 di 5 stelle25 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Black, White, and Wood All Over

Few things are more time-honored than the classic contrast combo of black and white, or Frosty White and Ebony. This white oak kitchen captures it all and achieves it with grace! John of @shannslaughter described the remodel by saying, “Our house is small, old, and completely lacking standard measurements, square edges, etc. The ability to get the cabinets made to exact specifications let us maximize our available space.” The long, narrow pullout units to the right of the fridge, custom wine storage, and a window bench are examples of how storage is artfully integrated into the heart of this home. The matching countertop and backsplash and black island chairs weave consistency and nuance into this fabulous remodel.
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