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Esempio di una piccola terrazza tradizionale dietro casa e a piano terra con nessuna copertura e parapetto in legno
Mjolnir Construction
Mjolnir Construction
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle12 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

4' x 5' Deck Landing on Metal Brackets

You typically see these types of decks on new homes, which are installed by the builder. They are supported by metal brackets that are securely fastened to the foundation. This is a great way to construct a small deck for access, without having to build on blocks, patio stones, concrete piers or helical piles. They can range from 3', 4' and even 5' out from the wall and can be as long as you like given there is room for multiple brackets. Here, we replaced one of those builder decks that was roughly 20 years old with a new 4' x 5' deck and stairs while using the existing metal brackets!

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phil_gauthier1993 lo ha aggiunto a Patio Math et Audrey27 luglio 2023

Système de garde-corps #2

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