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pool color

LOVE THIS! What color is pool sheen?
Marietta formal / contemporary swimming pool · Maggiori informazioni

Commenti (3)

  • PRO
    6 anni fa

    Hi Natasha! Thank you, this was a gorgeous design we did.

    To answer your question, this is Black Pearl, PebbleTec.

    Let us know if we can answer any other questions.

    Thank you!

  • 6 anni fa
    Ultima modifica: 6 anni fa

    THANK YOU!!! I am trying to decide between pebble tec, pebble sheen and pebble fina! Any thoughts?!?

  • PRO
    6 anni fa

    Natasha, Comes down to a personal choice!

    Take into account your surrounding landscape and how each color looks in sunlight, shade, and at night with the lighting. I'm sure you'll make the perfect choice!

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