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Fornitori di carta da parati a West Kirby

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West Kirby / 50 km
115 di 39 professionisti
39 professionisti

Recensioni in evidenza per Fornitori di carta da parati a West Kirby

Fornitori di carta da parati a West Kirby
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle21 novembre 2014
“A fantastic place to create your own individual wallpaper or choose from the extensive range on offer from the website. Their customer service is outstanding from start to finish and no question to them is ignored or treated with contempt. The quality of wallpaper is fantastic and I am in no doubt that it will last many years. The design is identical to the image e-mailed to us before completing the transaction which leaves me with no hesitation in recommending this company to other people or from using them again.”
The Panel Company
Fornitori di carta da parati a West Kirby
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle22 settembre 2016
“Really loved this black sparkle panels. Its easy to install and looks very neat and clean. We were so pleased to have this in our Bathrooms. Perfect match of Price & Quality. We would definitely recommend this to friends and Family.”
Fornitori di carta da parati a West Kirby
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle3 settembre 2016
“love earth born ! we have a half cob house so needed a more.natural.. after taking various tester pots of different brands earth north coverage is supreme !I think it must be the consistency of the clay.. the testers are expensive though thatay only complaint and more look books.. have attached the earth born kissing gate and little green blue comparison of tester pots”
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