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Professional organizer e soluzioni salvaspazio Great Harwood, Lancashire, UK

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Great Harwood / 50 km
115 di 83 professionisti
83 professionisti

Recensioni in evidenza per Professional organizer e soluzioni salvaspazio Great Harwood, Lancashire, UK

The Clutter Fairy
Professional organizer e soluzioni salvaspazio Great Harwood, Lancashire, UK
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle13 novembre 2014
“The Clutter Fairy is simply excellent! What everyone needs. I have used Lesley and her team to first undertake de-cluttering of my home and business and then to lead and project manage the extension of my office and refurbishment of my home. Lesley offers a professional, highly experienced service to sort out your life, your clutter, your administration and your refurbishments. My life was transformed when I met Lesley and her fantastic team. So skilled, cheerful and uniquely for such services took the time to find out about what would work for me. Lesley painstakingly supported me, helped me prioritise, recommended fantastic tradesman and took away all the worry and responsibility. Lesley helped me understand what I needed and showed me how to get there. I now have a beautiful home again; elegant, clutter free with more space with discovered old treasures. I have most areas of my life and home in order and as a result I am so much happier and more productive. The Clutter Fairly has become an essential support service for my business and home. Thank you Lesley. Pat from Price Jones Ltd”
The Home Organiser
Professional organizer e soluzioni salvaspazio Great Harwood, Lancashire, UK
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle10 febbraio 2018
“Sue helped me to sort through my late wife's possessions and to decide what I could part with. What threatened to be an ordeal turned out to be a pleasant experience and very useful in creating more storage space. Sue was very understanding and helped me make my own decisions. Some months later I am still happy with the choices I made.”
Creative Desire Yorkshire
Professional organizer e soluzioni salvaspazio Great Harwood, Lancashire, UK
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle5 luglio 2018
“Jacqui did a fantastic Job of my lounge. She discussed colours, wallpaper patterns, furnishings etc She is very friendly and goes out of her way to help you. I am so happy with my new look and it appears much larger with more space now.”
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