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Idraulici a Pollok

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Pollok / 50 km
115 di 52 professionisti
52 professionisti

Recensioni in evidenza per Idraulici a Pollok

Water To Waste Plumbing & Drainage
Idraulici a Pollok
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle5 aprile 2018
“I have worked very closely with Scot and the team from Water to Waste Plumbing & Drainage for the last 4 years. They have completed a number of plumbing jobs for my clients and in every case they have been punctual, friendly, professional and have completed the work to the highest standards in the industry. They are fantastic problem solvers and leave the client with immense satisfaction of a plumbing job well done.”
Plumbing Guys Auckland
Idraulici a Pollok
Valutazione media: 4 di 5 stelle22 gennaio 2013
“Reliable and fast working. Highly recommended, and will be getting this company back when we need them. Thanks heaps yeah”
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