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Esperti di Home Staging a Contea di Indian River

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115 di 28 professionisti
28 professionisti

Recensioni in evidenza per Esperti di Home Staging a Contea di Indian River

Kristen Knudsen Designs
Esperti di Home Staging a Contea di Indian River
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle23 luglio 2015
“Kristen is simply the best! Kristen staged a Beach House in Floralton Beach, Vero Beach Florida 32963. It was one of my listings! The home was vacant and in need of staging. Kristen worked very quickly and efficiently, she understood exactly was was needed to sell this home. The end result was a fun and inviting coastal home. The home was put under contract quickly.”
Tan & DeMario Designs
Esperti di Home Staging a Contea di Indian River
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle25 aprile 2017
“I highly recommend Tan and DeMario for staging projects. Their efforts helped me sell my house faster and at a higher price than I expected. Their design skills are exceptional - my house was "ok" but they turned it into a warm and elegant environment that impressed everyone who saw it.. I found them to be consistently professional, courteous and prompt. The bottom line was selling my house and without them, it would probably be still on the market. I plan to use them again and I recommend them to all my friends.”
Signature Homes Staging & Design LLC
Esperti di Home Staging a Contea di Indian River
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle20 settembre 2019
“I can’t thank Teresa enough. Her ideas and advice helped some of my fears and worries about selling our home after nearly 20 years. She was patient and suggestive with ideas and really got me excited to get the house ready for potential buyers. I really do believe it sold as fast as it did because of her! I can’t say enough about her positive enthusiastic personality.”
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